2019 Is The Year of Release and Elevation


Over the years I’ve strayed away from focusing all my New Year’s efforts on creating resolutions instead of focusing on creating a theme for my New Year. It’s more important for me to make a theme for my year in order to move forward in laying out my blueprint for the next chapter of my life.

Don’t get me wrong, I still create my lists, goals, and work on my vision book. However, having a theme pulls all those things together. For the last month of 2018, I’ve been reflecting constantly on my current year, while pondering what the appropriate theme for my new year should be. I came to the conclusion that 2019 will be my year of release and elevation.

I have always loved the idea of releasing balloons. There’s something about the beauty of watching a balloon fly away into the heavens that has always moved me. The freedom it symbolizes has always resounded with me. Release is a theme that I tend to revisit often throughout my life journey, and this year is no different. Just like those balloons, you can’t experience true freedom and elevation without being released from the grasp of things that no longer serve you or keep you stagnant.

This year, I am releasing things and people that bring negativity, turmoil, and peace-shattering interactions into my life. I am freeing myself from the things I’ve allowed to hold me back from being my best self.

My elevation is long overdue, yet right on time. My time is now. It took a lot of time, but I now understand the saying, Everyone and everything can’t go with you.” The goals I have set for myself and the standards I’ve set for the life that I choose to live moving forward are now my priority. I’m choosing me, and that’s okay.

I desire elevation and freedom, and release is necessary. Separation is necessary for elevation. I am not meant to stay tied down to dead weight. The time is now. The elevation is here, and I am ready to answer the call.