5 Expectations For Every Healthy Relationship


I am currently not in a relationship, nor am I looking for one, so my thoughts could be totally naive, but I’m going to say it anyway. I don’t think the things I am asking for are a stretch by any means; it’s what I expect to see, though most of the time I don’t.

1. Trust

It’s important for any kind of relationship. Secrets are toxic and sooner or later whatever someone is hiding, will come out. I have seen more relationships end because something kept for another comes out. Is it worth keeping it hidden? Nope. Will it ultimately ruin a relationship? Yep.

2. Communication

Knowing what the other person expects and wants out of relationship will only be known if it’s talked about. No one that I have ever met can read people’s minds successfully; so thinking that your partner can, is childish. No matter how many “hints” you give, the only way to truly be heard is to actually talk.

3. Passion/Love

For me, this should be a given, but I feel that a lot of people are in a relationship for convenience and not for genuine interest in the other. Maybe, it’s comfortable to be with someone than to be alone, but a relationship like that will go nowhere. When I’m in a relationship, I want to be missed by my partner when we don’t see each other. I want the cheesy stuff, if it’s not there, what’s the point?

4. Respect

This is something I don’t see enough of. Respect of another’s feelings, actions, even words said is extremely important to me. I think if someone puts up with someone who doesn’t respect him or her, then they don’t respect themselves and don’t realize that they deserve so much more.

5. Sacrifice

We all have our own hopes and dreams. When we are in a relationship that is serious, those may/will change. Willing to give up or change your dream for your partner doesn’t mean you have failed, it means you truly care for this person. People are naturally stubborn, but if both people aren’t willing to make sacrifices, it won’t work.

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