A Letter To My Indecisive Self


Dear Indecisive Self,

You do not need to worry. Nothing is life and death. Is it?

For goodness’ sake, you go into the grocery aisle and stand there…for 10 minutes. People look at you. You’re looking at every possible product.

You then go home.

It is then that you figure out that you picked the wrong choice.

Is there really a wrong choice?

How could there possibly be a wrong choice after you just spent so much time looking at every single product?

And for that matter, would there ever be a right choice? If so, how much time would it truly take to make the right choice?

But day after day you are at it…

Trying to find the best parking space.

Striving to find the greatest hair stylist.

Aiming to find the right dry shampoo.

Working to find the perfect clothes.

Contemplating whether to go out or stay in.

How can you possibly make major life decisions? It’s hard enough to decide whether you should pee in the public restroom or hold it until you get home.

You watched yourself once. You know, being so indecisive. It was on video. What did you see? You saw yourself on the cleaning aisle looking for the perfect disinfectant wipes. It took 15 minutes.

At this point some would laugh. How can one be so indecisive?

How can you be so in tune with the world around you? Exceptionally intuitive and perceptive. Yet, not even be able to make a decision on disinfectant wipes.

You could over analyze this for days. But then comes the decision of what the reason for being indecisive is. After that, comes being indecisive about the reason. Until you are left unable to make a decision about why you can’t make a decision.

What a spinning wheel! How do you truly break out of this?

Sometimes even those of us who are so perceptive, put too much pressure on ourselves. We think there has to be a lightning strike for every decision we make. An epiphany of sorts when we are in the store picking out dry shampoo. Like: “This is the dry shampoo that I have been waiting for. It’s the perfect choice! Thank you, Universe, for sending me this dry shampoo. How life changing!”

However, that’s not really the case. After all, it’s just dry shampoo. And although it does magic on the hair, it has no place in our energy, our thoughts.

It’s OK to make the “wrong choice.”

It’s OK to make the “right choice.”

It’s OK to not know whether brand A or B will do the trick or C, D, or E.

It’s OK to leave the store not knowing if you made the right decision.

Maybe this is why they allow returns. Maybe someone this indecisive created the first return policy. That’s what I would think. I just can’t decide.

But dear indecisive self, I just want you to know…

That you are doing perfect.

There’s no need to be indecisive.

There’s no need to live life in caution.

Park where you feel is right.

Buy what you feel is right.

Go where you feel is right.

If you’re not right, oh well. There’s plenty of time to figure out more of what you like and dislike.