Whatever You Do, Wait For A Love Like This
Wait for a love that gives you strength in the hardest of times, rather than kicks you while you’re down.
Jules Martin

Wait for a love that comes out of nowhere but changes your life instantly.
A love that takes your breath away just by thinking about them.
Wait for a love that feels like home.
Find a love that communicates their feelings.
Your person will not be someone who makes you feel uncertain of yourself or of them.
Wait for a love that thinks you are sexy no matter the time of day.
A love that only puts their hands on you to show you love and affection.
Wait for a love that doesn’t have to question whether or not you are the one.
They will know from the moment they meet you that they choose you.
Wait for a kind of love that leaves you feeling energized and wanting more.
Wait for a love that can tell just by looking at you whether or not you have had a good day or not.
A love that knows when to hold you and when to give you space.
Wait for a love that gives you strength in the hardest of times, rather than kicks you while you’re down.
The one meant for your heart will be your rock, and stay by your side in good times as well as in the bad.
Wait for a love that encourages you to follow your dreams.
Find a love that reminds you what you are capable of.
A love that believes in you, sometimes more than you believe in yourself.
Find a love that is going to be your biggest fan even when you don’t think you deserve it.
Find a love that will never doubt you.
Wait for the love that reminds you how incredible you are.
A love that knows exactly what they have in front of them.
Wait for a love that wants all of you. The good, the bad and the ugly.
A love that chooses you every. single. time.
Wait for the love that stands up to you because somebody has to be able to put you in your place when you are out of control.
Wait for a love that doesn’t get scared off by emotions.
Wait for the love that sees your beauty, even on days you don’t.
Find the person you want to fight through life with. Someone you couldn’t imagine living a day without.
Wait for a love that kisses you randomly, just because.
A love that holds your hand to show the world that you are theirs.
Wait for a love that texts you to make sure you made it home okay.
Wait for a love that has your glass of wine poured before you walk through their door.
Wait for the love that pushes you out of your comfort zone.
Because they know nothing good grows in your comfort zone.
Wait for the love that brings out the lust in you.
A love that you can’t keep your hands off of.
Wait for a love that wants your body almost as much as your beautiful mind.
Whatever you do, wait for a love that is worthy of you.