Date The Girl Who Is Not Afraid To Get A Pixie Cut


Date the girl who is not afraid to get a pixie cut because she is fearless. She is ready to face whatever life throws at her and face it with class and dignity. She is not afraid of judgments or snide remarks about her life, her hair, or her choices, because it is indeed her life, her hair, her choices. She is fearless and bold, not the recklessly wild one like the movies often portray, but the one who stands firm in making decisions, the one who knows what she wants and is not afraid to get it, the one who is not easily shaken by the rough roads, the one who is willing to step up and use what she learned to triumph.

Date the girl who is not afraid to get a pixie cut because she is reasonably independent. She has something passionate in her and she knows how to make the best out of it. She works hard for her dreams. You’ll know it because she often leaves this particular glow with whatever her hand touches. She is a fire herself but she does not know it. She is aware that that passion can sometimes burn her own hands but she is well-equipped to shrug away the poison that comes with it. She is reasonably independent because while you are may be out somewhere, she knows how to channel the right level of clingy with productivity. She is smart enough to start a discussion and wise enough to figure out if an argument is worth the energy. She deeply knows that relationships should be a work of thrive not a fight to survive. She is reasonably independent person who loves life and everything that goes with it.

Date the girl who is not afraid to get a pixie cut because she is low maintenance. The fact that she can go from princess-like locks to a Prince Charming cut is an obvious reason that she does not ask for much — that should make you feel like you’ve won the jackpot. She is kind, sweet, talented but unassuming. She is not after the fancy things a man can bring but their time, honesty, and genuine feelings.

Date the girl who is not afraid to get a pixie cut because she is strong. While she is sitting on that salon’s chair watching the pair of scissors chop her hair, she knows she should be ready with the possibility that it would not suit her and that she should just work it. She is strong because the hair is every woman’s crown and she is willing to step down to make her lips curve up. She is strong, open-minded, and welcoming to every experience that has happened and is bound to happen. She is a risk-taker who loves to make everything a challenge and vows to finish stronger.

Date the girl who is not afraid to get a pixie cut because she is resilient. She knows how to stand up from a poor decision. She knows how to surpass her failures to achieve her goals. She understands and sympathizes. She knows how to defend herself from the people who abuse her kindness and is willing to do the same for people who are unjustly attacked. She is willing to fight your battles with you and fight for you. She is also willing to let you do it on your own but will surely help you find your way back again.

Date the girl who is not afraid to get a pixie cut because she loves herself. She loves herself but not in the narcissistic way. She loves herself and knows how to take care of her body, her mind, and her soul. She knows when she needs a ‘self-care’ day. She knows how to conserve a healthy mind and how to find her way back if she gets lost. She knows how to have fun without maltreating her body. She knows how to nurture herself with morals, vision, contentment, and love and is not afraid to share this kind of love with somebody else.

Date the girl who is not afraid to get a pixie cut because her love is intense but liberating, her love is growth, her love is different because it is real and it is forever, real forever.