If You Have Cheated Before I Want Nothing To Do With You


I do not care if you have two degrees or a PhD. I do not care if you earn a six-figure salary. I do not care if you have hundreds of likes every time you post something on social media. I do not care about your status in life if you were capable of hurting another human being whom you promised to protect. I do not care if you have all the followers if you were capable of hurting someone when you know you have a choice to do better.

I do not care if you can sweep me off of my feet just by smiling at me. I do not care if you can fill my tummy with butterflies and with sumptuous meals. I do not care if you can drive me crazy and drive me around with your Maserati. I do not care if you like to shower me with gifts and smooches. I do not care about those things if you did it to someone else before but still hurt the person after.

I do not care if you can take me to travel the world with you. I do not care if you can build me a house that is big enough for two. I do not care if you always give pride to a good genes for the future children to inherit. I do not care at all because what’s good in that genes if there is a strong poison called lies flowing in your bloodstream? What’s good in all those financial-capability proofs if you were not capable to be honest and faithful?

You see, this is what happens when a person with the same vile history as yours fucked up somebody’s pure intentions. This is what happens when a person like you broke somebody’s heart who just wanted to love care for, and look after you. This is what happens when a person like you chooses to pollute someone’s mind with lies and manipulation.

So if you have cheated before, please stay away from me. Please stay away from me because I am tired. I am tired of choosing to see the good in people when they have proved to me with their actions that they can and did choose to hurt me. I am tired of seeing myself got taken advantage of just because I cannot get angry at people for doing something wrong to me. I am tired of giving forgiveness to people who weren’t even sorry. I am tired of giving second chances – no, multiple chances because I was stupid like that – to people who have a choice to make it right the first time. I am perpetually tired of making the adjustments when you fail to give – just take. I will never allow my worth and morals to be compromised just because I am afraid to lose someone I loved.

So if you have cheated before, you have no place in my life. I think giving second chances should not be a sign of generosity because it’s as if you’re being generous to people in giving them the door to hurt you over and over again. So I will never ever give a person like you the power to control and cause havoc in my life that it almost cost me my sanity in fixing what a person like you have broken. Never again. This is me protecting myself.

I do not care about the things that you promise (more like brag) to give me if you cannot even afford the most expensive thing for me – honesty.

So if you have cheated before, you are not welcome here. And I’m not even sorry.