17 Signs You And Your Best Friend Are Basically Chandler And Joey
Sometimes one of you gets a little too worked up about something, but the other is always there to calm you down.
Johanna Mort

1. You find the exact same things funny.

2. …Or not funny.

3. You seek their approval in all things.

4. Sometimes one of you gets a little too worked up about something, but the other is always there to calm you down.

5. The two of you can be completely childish sometimes, but neither of you care.

6. One of you is considerably more affectionate than the other.

7. The party doesn’t start until you both walk in. Together. Because you always arrive together.

8. No one does a better impression of your friend than you do.

Like, no one.

9. Future plans always include them. No matter what, you make it work.

10. Whenever one of you is a little slow on the uptake, the other always makes sure you get there eventually.

11. People often wonder if you two are actually together.

12. And you sometimes give them good reason to think that.

13. The two of you slay every dance floor you come across.

14. When you fight, you’ll both do anything to make things right.

15. All comebacks are made twice as good when you’re working together.

16. One person’s immense enthusiasm over anything balances out the other’s complete lack thereof perfectly.

17. You miss them anytime they’re not around, and couldn’t imagine life without them.

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