Stop Telling Me To Have An Ass Like Kim Kardashian


Dear Society:

This is my body, and I love it.

I am 5 foot even, I weigh 126 pounds, and I absolutely love my body. I am not Gisele Bundchen or Kim Kardashian. Stop comparing me to them. Your standards are unrealistic. I’m not a billionaire, I’m not a celebrity—I’m a normal human being. I do not have a “ba-donk-a-donk” paired with a waist the size of an ankle.

I do not wear those waist trimmers that suffocate you and break down your ribcage. I’d prefer to breathe normally than to ever put myself through that type of torture. I am not a size 0—to be honest, I have no idea what size I “really” am. Sometimes I’m an 8, and others, a 2. Who the hell cares what size a woman’s pair of pants are? I’m a size ME. Stop trying to manipulate me into caring about a stupid number.

My thighs do, in fact, touch and yes, I have cellulite; it’s part of being a woman. When I sit down, I have a muffin top. I can’t imagine what it would feel like to sit down and not have at least one roll when I look down at my belly.

I have wrinkles on my forehead. Stop tricking me into thinking that I need botox. I don’t live in Hollywood, I live in a small town in Massachusetts. I look around and I see all of these women around me feeling the need to compete with these LA stars. Stop making us feel the need to compete. We can’t compete. We are broke. We can barely afford Jessica Simpson bags, never mind those ridiculously expensive Hermes bags.

Stop showing us these “perfect bodies” and “perfect asses”. It’s called money. Those “perfect asses” are fake. They aren’t real and they weren’t earned in the gym. It’s called a Brazilian butt lift. It was one thing to make us feel the need to have big boobs, but now we have to have a big but, too, in order to fit in and be “beautiful?” Screw that.

Stop comparing my ass to a fake one. It’s just not fair. Stop comparing our bodies to these celebrities that have the financial power to fix every single “flaw” they may think they have. In reality, they aren’t flaws–they’re called being human. I will not feed into your mind games.

I will no longer allow you to compare me to an unrealistic body standard. I will continue to love my my body the way it is—real. Healthy. And I encourage every other woman on the planet—no matter what shape or size—to do the same.

