Just So You Know, It’s Okay To Be Single


I can’t count on one of my hands how many serious relationships I’ve been in. There have only been two — and to describe them as “serious” is probably a stretch. My first relationship was with my first love. You know the kind, the relationship that shows zero signs of longevity, but he’s definitely The One so you either don’t care or don’t notice (but mostly the latter). We dated a solid 4 months before spending the remainder of our year together “on and off”. My second was just as short-lived. 3 months that ended in therapy because he was saying “I love you” to me… and his ex. #rebounded

It’s been 5 years since my last serious relationship. 5 fun, meaningful, enlightening years. And if you asked me today if I was ready to settle down, I’d tell you: Bring on another 5.

I’ve learned over these last 5 years that it’s OK to be single. But more importantly, how to feel confident, comfortable, and completely satisfied with the company of me.

While my friends settle into their marriages and start families (because there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that), I’m checking things off my bucket list, traveling to foreign countries I’ve always wanted to visit, going weeks without shaving my legs, taking myself out to dinner, dating with no long-term expectations, sleeping on the right side, then left side, then right side of the bed, reading books I love, indulging myself (and my bank account) in shoes and clothes that make me feel good, figuring out what I want in life, focusing on what makes me happy, and making myself happy.

I’m teaching myself how to love myself so that one day, if someone (who meets my now unwavering and impeccably high standards) does come along, he/she will know how to love me, too.

It’s OK to be single. Spend that time learning about and loving yourself. You deserve it.