Montauk Conspiracy: A Kooky Theory About Time Travel, Aliens, And Mind Control
Did the US government invent the AIDS virus, contact aliens, and travel through time tunnels out on a lonely Air Force base in Long Island, or is this the craziest conspiracy theory of them all?

The Montauk Project conspiracy, or the Philadelphia Experiment, is a real-life Stranger Things conspiracy.
“The Montauk Project” might be the craziest conspiracy theory of all time simply because it manages to combine every possible other conspiracy into one gigantic ball of confusion. It rolls together time travel, Nazi gold, space aliens, mind control, teleportation, a faked moon landing, black helicopters, and the AIDS virus all in the form of alleged top-secret experiments conducted at Camp Hero, AKA Montauk Air Force Station in Long Island, New York. Elements of the Montauk Conspiracy are allegedly the basis of hit TV show Stranger Things.
Origins of the Montauk Conspiracy: The Montauk Project books by Preston Nichols
Born in 1946 in Long Island, Preston Nichols claimed to have degrees in engineering, psychology, and parapsychology. In 1983 he released the first of a series of books on the Montauk conspiracy called The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time.
Nichols claims that his work was the result of his own deeply repressed psychological memories of being involved in the Montauk Project. He claims the top-secret experiment was an extension of 1943’s “Philadelphia Experiment,”AKA “Project Rainbow,” in which the US government allegedly tried to make a Navy cruiser invisible by manipulating an electromagnetic field around it.
The site had originally been used by the US in World War I and II to house massive gun emplacements to deter enemy attacks via the ocean. In the 1950s, while Camp Hero in Long Island was still being used as a radar center to anticipate Soviet attacks coming in over the Atlantic, researchers attempted to improve on the Philadelphia experiment with an eye on studying the psychological effects of electromagnetic fields. One of the goals was to induce schizophrenia at the touch of a button. The US Congress apparently rejected a plan for furthering the experiment because they deemed it too dangerous. But apparently experiments were still conducted, funded by stolen Nazi gold.
Nichols alleges that these experiments were picked up by the US government sometime in the 1960s at the Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, but after it became clear that many of the experiments would require a large radar dish, it was moved to the Air Force facility on Montauk. High-tech equipment was moved to Camp Hero, much of it stored in an underground bunker.
Among several things alleged in Nichols’s Montauk books are:
• The AIDS virus was created in a laboratory there.
• The facility at one point involved a dozen levels—most of them underground—and employed hundreds of workers.
• There was a 50-foot titanium ziggurat on the premises for no apparent reason.
• Experiments were conducted upon kidnapped homeless people, who endured tremendous blasts of electromagnetic radiation to see how it affected them psychologically. Most of them died.
• Experimental flying saucers were invented there.
• Nikola Tesla, father of modern electricity, really didn’t die in New York City in 1943; rather, his death was faked. He eventually moved out to Long Island in the 1970s to head the Montauk Project.

• Tests that were meant to enhance subject’s psychic powers rendered them able to materialize objects out of thin air. One alleged test subject says that although he became more psychic, he also experienced PTSD and chronic stress as a result.
• A “Time Tunnel” was developed that allowed researchers to travel anywhere they wanted in time or space. They allegedly traveled to meet Jesus Christ and also dabbled with the Civil War and World War II to the point where the wars’ outcome was completely changed.
• Friendly extraterrestrials were encountered through the Time Tunnel, and they freely shared technology with the researchers.
• The USS Eldridge—the ship rendered invisible during the Philadelphia Experiment—got sucked into hyperspace via the Time Tunnel and was trapped there.
• Unfortunately, a terrifying alien monster found the Time Tunnel, smashing equipment and eating researchers, which led to the Time Tunnel being shut down and the monster killed.
• Nazi scientists from the infamous “Operation Paperclip” were recruited to work at the Montauk facility.
• Experiments in mass psychology and terror, including the mysterious “Men in Black,” were developed there.
• The “Jersey Devil,” a cryptozoological creature whose mythology extends back into the early 1800s, was allegedly created there.
• Superhumans were created in the laboratory, as well as special serums designed to turn regular humans into superhuman.
• Black helicopters were made at Montauk and used it as a landing base.
• The alleged “Moon landing hoax” of 1969 was filmed at the Montauk facility.
• Kidnapped runaway boys were exposed to unbearable physical and mental torture designed to completely crush their identities. Several boys didn’t survive the experiments and were buried on the premises.
• In 1983, the teleportation experiments culminated in “a hole ripped in space-time in 1983.”
Montauk Today: Camp Hero State Park
In 1981 the Air Force base at Camp Hero was shut down, which is exactly when strange theories about the Montauk Project began to emerge.
These days, the old creepy radar station still remains, as well as a “ghost town” of buildings where workers on the Mountauk Project allegedly slept. There has never been any evidence—at least none that’s been issued to the public by the government—that there were ever “underground bunkers” at Montauk, much less a 50-foot titanium pyramid or giant factory/laboratories where they made space aliens, the Jersey Devil, and black helicopters.
People who’ve visited the site say it’s the strangest “state park” they’ve ever seen and that something just doesn’t feel right about the whole area. I believe them. Something’s very strange at that abandoned radar station out there on Long Island.