You Can Cry, You Know


You can cry, you know.

You can let it all out.
You can let your hot tears fall
silently on your pillow
or you can let each drop
pound down with force,
screaming out all those things
you’ve kept inside.

It might make you feel better
or it might make you feel worse,
but it will make you feel.

It will stop this machine
from chugging along.
Always working.
Always moving.
Never happy,
never satisfied.

You can feel this pain.
You’re allowed to be hurt.
Feeling does not make
you weak.

These tears are not you.
These mountains you can’t get over
are not you.
These mistakes
and circumstances
are not you.

You are bright
and beautiful
and full of hope.
You are strong
and brave
and a little bit tired.

So let go, dear one.
Let go of the perception of perfection.
Because you know that you are not
and it’s okay if they see it, too.