To The Woman Who Made Me Fall For Her — I’ll Never Lose Hope


I have a confession to make. The first time I saw you, I didn’t like you. Someone told me that you’ll be my biggest mistake. But I have to admit, that even then, I knew you had something special in you. You had that spirit. You are by far, the greatest girl I have ever met.

Day, weeks, months passed. You opened your heart to me. I saw your world and I admired you even more. I saw your true heart, with no facades, no filters. How your heart beats for concern, how big it is for giving, especially to your beloved family.

I never thought life could be that exciting. I lived every moment. I lived every bit of it with you. Your craziness, your unpredictability. We bared our souls to each other, because of you I started believing in myself.

I started fighting for what I believed in. I started to be brave.

More than 4 years and I thought we were good. More than 4 years of a strong relationship. More than 4 years going on forever, were so I thought. I don’t know why, I don’t know how. When it started, what happened to both of us, why we fell apart, why you left me?

Why, just why.

However, I’ve learned that I can’t change you. I can’t change your feelings, I can’t change what happened. I can’t change the pain you brought me and I brought you. Though, I can change how I handle these situations and the situations that lie ahead. I want to stop being depressed. I want to be positive.

So today, I resolve to stop bothering you. I have decided to let you be and give you the space you asked for.

Knowing that one day I’ll be back in your life and I will do everything it takes to win you back. I will never lose hope that we will eventually have our second chance. No matter what happens, no matter how long.

I won’t, I won’t ever lose hope.