A Stream Of Consciousness Article On Trump’s America

I cannot help but come to the same tragic conclusion whenever I see Trump give a speech: the way we killed the Indians is what’s killing us now. It was greed then, and it is greed now. You can see it all around us. It’s destroying what is left of our natural beauty, it’s polluting the country, and its making us more Germanic and vainglorious and stupid.

In Praise Of Protesting

I read a quote a few years back that seems increasingly relevant in our confused moral times. It went, “If you see fraud and don’t say fraud, you are a fraud.” Trump is a fraud.

Why I Write About Politics

I do not write about politics because I want to. I write about politics because it is my responsibility as a…

Why I Am Going To Cuba

I’m going to Cuba not because it’s another pre-planned, cushioned, soul-crushing tourist trap; I want to go precisely because it’s the opposite.