33 Married Couples Reveal The Trait They Found Cute While Dating But Infuriates Them Now


According to Ask Reddit just because you find your person cute now, that doesn’t mean you’re going to feel that way in the future.

1. He hates social interaction

“My husband hates social interaction (even relaying information to and from friends sometimes) and will avoid it at all cost. At first it was cute, he would beg me to make the calls to order food or find out information. Now I find it very inconvenient – especially when I’m not in the mood to talk to people either.” — slothin_around

2. She has long, beautiful hair

“Her hair. She has such long, beautiful hair but it gets everywhere. Drains. Sinks. Carpets. Ive had to sit and cut hairs out of the vacuum so it would work again because it had tied up the rolly bit. Not to mention I’ve had her hair on me and all through my clothing.” — Captain23222

3. She talks constantly

“I’m a guy who can appreciate a good silence but she hates it. She has to fill every silence by talking or humming or singing or playing music or putting on a TV show. Most of the time she isn’t talking to me, really. Example; as I type this she is playing Fallout and just kinda narrating her experience. It’s still pretty cute and charming at times, tbh, but when we first started dating I found it far more adorable.

This issue is that since she’s constantly making noises with her mouth, I have grown accustomed to just tuning her out or doing other stuff or leaving the room mid-sentence because, once again, she USUALLY ISN’T REALLY TALKING TO ME. Unfortunately, sometimes she IS talking to me and then I look like the dickhead for not listening. But I think if I listened in-depth to every tiny thing that came out of her mouth to verify she was or was not speaking to me I would lose my mind.” — IrisIncarnate

4. She hates confrontation

“Her anti-confrontational attitude. It was a breath of fresh air to be with someone who had a pretty laid back attitude about things and didn’t seek to make a fight out of the smallest things.

11 years later, still can’t get her to properly communicate her own desires and/or gripes during an argument, or confront a family member about something out of line they’ve done.

Arrgghhh!” — Relleck_ENI

5. He has a laid-back attitude

“My husband’s laidback attitude. I truly appreciate that he doesn’t stress about much; he definitely adds balance to my (pre)crastination.

At times though I wish he was more timely. We’re going on a road trip? Maybe we should book a hotel in advance, not 20 minutes before getting there.

We moved across the country and I set up the Relocube, pick up, and, drop off. I asked him to research potential apartments. The week we were to have our Relocube delivered we still didn’t have an apartment or even one in mind. Our Relocube was set to be delivered on Saturday, we signed our lease on Friday.

I’ve learned to take the lead on planning, but it would be a nice ‘break’ for me mentally if I didn’t also have to do it.” — jenmoe

6. He never stops trying to be funny

“My husband always tries to make me laugh. I honestly hope he never stops trying, but there are times when it’s like, ‘Really?? You’re trying to make me laugh NOW?!'” — chlnaturester

7. He is overly forgetful

“His forgetfulness used to be cute and fun. Waking up to fresh gallons of milk sitting on the counter for hours is annoying as fuck now.” — Blackat

8. He thinks he’s right about everything

“Dating: Wow he knows a lot! I love that he always seems to have the answer. We won’t have many problems to worry about when we combine our knowledge!

Now: Omfg babe it won’t kill you to be wrong. Not everything has to be an argument just because your answer has been challenged!” — MarieOMaryln

9. He is a morning person

“His happiness in the mornings, used to make me feel a bit more cheery as we both were up at the asscrack of dawn and he’d just be happy to start his day while I wasn’t too happy, I’m not a morning person, but I have rarely gotten to sleep in past 5 o’clock since I was 14, and now I unfortunately wake up at the time even when I don’t have too. Now instead of making me more cheery in the mornings I just feel irritated, which is completely dumb, because he’s just being his normal happy self, but fuck, dude, quite being so damn pleasant so early in the damn morning it’s pissing me off. It also pisses off our toddlers, who hate mornings just as bad and want him to stop singing to them while they eat their breakfast, but when that happens I feel better, because damnit if I’ve gotta listen to him be happy so do you, ya little shits.” — fuzzyoctopus97

10. She has a beautiful singing voice

“Her having to sing everything like it’s a perfected choral piece.” — jonnyboy98

11. He uses constant sarcasm

“The sarcasm. It would be nice to bring up a topic and not get a zinger in response. ‘What do you want from the grocery store?’ ‘Five pounds of filet mignon, some motor oil, and, oh, a million dollars.’ No, duckface, its 100 degrees out and the kids need food. I’d much rather sit next to you on the couch. WHAT DO YOU FUCKING WANT!” — MissPlaceDApostrophe

12. He needs constant attention

“In the beginning he used to really need me and he always required a LOT of attention.

I loved it, at first.

I loved to feel needed and I 100% absolutely loved to lavish him with my adoring attention endlessly…

I was absolutely devoted.

Fast forward 15 years…

I feel used up and taken for granted.

He has never reciprocated, our relationship has always been strongly one way.

His behaviour was exactly what I wanted and needed – at one point.

Now it’s just something that upsets me. A lot.” — __ideal_

13. She is friendly and likable

“Everyone likes her. She’s a very likable person, but my friends and family like her more than me. Just gets to me sometimes when she tells me something about a friend or family member that I should have heard from them.” — pixel_zealot

14. They are clumsy

“Clumsily break things accidentally. It’d be a teaspoon one day or a shoelace the next. Little insignificant, ‘how-on-earth-did-you-manage-to-break-that?’ type of things. Started out quite cute and amusing. Now it’s a case of ‘Babe, that’s like the fourth vacuum cleaner this year, and it’s a fucking Dyson.'” — TheGrog1603

15. He rambles when he speaks

“He can not tell a story. Rambling, unnecessary details, and the listener is three steps ahead the entire time, just waiting for it to slowly unspool.” — cinnapear

16. She talks in a baby voice

“Talk in a baby voice, shit was cute at the beginning, but when you’re asking me if you can have my last beer in the fridge in a tiny baby voice, fuck no, now I need it.” — sixesand7s

17. He eats his meals slowly

“Takes forever to eat a meal. It was very well-suited to long dates, romantic dinners, those intense getting-to-know-you conversations at the beginning. 15 years later and I just want to have a meal where I’m not done before he’s barely taken a bite!

His whole family is like this and I simply don’t understand. It’s food, you put it on a plate and you eat it and go on with life! Not for them, mealtimes often stretch on for hours, occasionally into the next bloody meal if it’s a family event. I just don’t get it.” — CreampuffOfLove

18. She cannot make a decision

“Her indecisiveness. It was adorable to see her struggle when we were dating but goddammit I’m just trying to figure out what to make for dinner.” — rawbface

19. He falls asleep instantly

“Falls asleep INSTANTLY.

He works long hours (Japanese. In Japan) and is always tired, which I get. But he falls asleep literally while eating or in the middle of a sentence.

Was really cute. And I still can’t actually be mad at him because I know it’s because he’s working so hard. But when we only get late evenings to talk over a quick dinner and I’m constantly having to wake him up every 5 minutes… gets less and less cute.” — Whitehexe

20. She is bossy

“Her bossiness. She came from a really hard upbringing and I was floored by how she was taking charge and refusing to fall into the same trap as her family.

Actually I still am floored. Even when I’m annoyed at being bossed around I’m proud. From trailer park to prosecutor. She’s amazing.” — SerielAwooer

21. He is spontaneous

“His spontaneity.

It used to be really fun and sexy…but now it’s like living with a real life Homer Simpson/Phil Dunphy hybrid.

No joke, I am just waiting for the day he comes home with a bag of ‘magic beans’.” — totallyoriginalname2

22. He is way too jealous

“His jealousy was a little cute at first because it was very mild and appeared harmless. I figured he would learn over time that he could trust me completely and it would lessen or go away. It took a completely opposite turn and he became violently jealous of every man who so much as looked in my direction. We are now divorced.” — Oenonesart

23. He is organized

“His tidiness. I never met a guy who was so organized and capable in the household (fixes everything, has a wide range of nicely organized tools, and sex toys, knows how to use a washing machine, to sew buttons…)

Now we live together and I realized it’s more of a minor OCD behaviour since he is not cleaning let’s say ‘efficiently’. It’s more that he uses this exercise to relieve stress. E.g. he comes home and first thing he does is clean and put away stuff, and most important: vacuum. No matter how hard I cleaned before him.

So I just leave a little bread crumbs here and there, some clothes on the sofa, some mail…” — lan1co

24. He is competitive

“Whether we play video games, board games, Skee Ball, or whatever, he’s playing to WIN. At first, I was glad that he’d never let me win. He saw me as a peer, not as a little woman he had to go easy on.

But. He’s WAY better than me at video games. When we play, it’s pretty much a guarantee that I will lose. Mario Kart? I will unleash HELL upon him with blue shells, lightning bolts, red shells, and whatever else I can throw at his ass, and he will still win. Fighting games? I don’t stand a chance, ever.

Every once in a while, I take him out to a place with Skee Ball, though, so I can win for once. And we are evenly matched at board games, so that’s nice.

(Also, it took me hours to think of this comment. He’s a keeper.)” — insertcaffeine

25. He loves playing video games

“The video game obsession. I enjoy my fair share of video games. When we first started dating, it was a great thing we had in common and activity for us to do. Now that we’re married, getting him to do anything with me besides play video games is like pulling teeth.” — TellTailHeart

26. She acts helpless

“Helplessness. It used to be cute to help her figure out things and now even simple things that could be easily googled she has to ask me. It has gotten to the point I send her to let me google that for you links when she asks a question of something I don’t immediately know the answer too. I mean simple questions like something referencing pop culter or maybe looking a for recipe for chili in a crockpot or what actor played X role.” — derrabe80

27. She overuses pet names

“Pet names. They used to be cute but now every time one comes out of her mouth is just sounds so condescending. For an example, watch the dinner party episode of the office.” — xLykos

28. She is active

“My wife has always been the outdoors-ey type, which I loved because I enjoy a hike now and then. Then we moved to Montana… now, we have mountain bikes, kayaks, expensive hiking gear, and I can’t seem to just spend a Saturday sitting on my ass anymore. It’s exhausting.” — I_Like_Eggs123

29. He plays the devil’s advocate all the time

“Plays the devil’s advocate.

When we first started dating it was fun and challenging to debate the points. Now it’s tiring and just ‘can we agree GENOCIDE IS BAD?! There is no middle ground option.’

‘Well if I can play devil’s advocate–‘

‘I will cut a bitch dear. So help me god, I will cut a bitch.’

We still have plenty of intellectual debates, we don’t staunchly agree on everything and we’re able to open each other’s minds. But playing devil’s advocate got old quick.” — magicfluff

30. He is completely real

“His complete inability to be a fake person and his anti social behavior. At first I found it so authentic and refreshing. Now if he doesn’t want to do something, I can’t get him to do it. Case: Got invited to a wedding where I didn’t know many people, I felt uncomfortable going alone, so I made him come with me. He sat there with the grumpiest asshole face ever all night. completely ruined what could have been a fun evening meeting new people. He is unable to fake being nice and have a good time, even for someone he loves the most.

So now I have a social life and he just doesn’t care to have one. I feel like I miss out on half a life because he doesn’t give a shit about anyone but me.” — HSpears

31. He tickles me

“Tickling me. It was sweet, silly, and playful when we were dating. 7 years later, I don’t like it anymore because he doesn’t know when to stop, and I have to use Teacher Voice to make him stop.” — 11whatsnewpussycats

32. She cannot cook

“She can’t cook. At first it was like, ‘Well I keep feeding her so she can’t leave’ to, ‘well she always finds good deals on food and I can cook weird crap’ to, ‘goddammit woman, I’ve tried to teach you, you can only do roasts and desserts! YOU SET EGGS ON FIRE! YOU’LL STARVE IF I LEAVE YOU.'” — grubas

33. He loves to cuddle

“His constant need for touching when were going to bed. It was cute and fun at first now I’m like ok buddy I would like to sleep without your leg on top of my stomach.” — -PinkOnWednesday-