Oh Wild Eyes


Oh wild eyes
Oh wide heart
Oh great spirit
may you drink the yellow grass that is thirsting on the sides of the Cretan highways
may you put the blue of the never ending sea inside the pocket of your soul for forever keeping
may you trap the sound of crickets calling at the world to slow down
even if we may never listen
I am listening
may we thank the mountain water that collects at our mouths to drink
the green pears that hang welcoming from the trees
pluck me, drink my juice
nourish your body
oh, great life
I am here within each side of your red heart that beats without us asking
that puts us to sleep with stars each night
and wakes us with the gift of a thousand suns
who am I to be so lucky to wake up each day and live?
blessed is today for my eyes remain wide to see all that you are to me.

Janne Robinson is a poet and author of
This Is For The Women Who Don’t Give A Fuck.
Pre-order your copy now!