9 Things That Happen When You Start A New Job


1. People will ignore you

For some reason when you start a new job, everyone around will pretend like they don’t see you. It’s the weirdest thing. The reasoning may be that until you are introduced to them, you really don’t ‘exist’ to them. It will hurt your feelings because you know how nice and funny you are and you’ll want everyone to love you instantly.

2. Most people will avoid asking you for help

There is obviously a learning curve going into any new position. Those first 2-3 weeks where you’re actually figuring things out can be a challenge — not only the day to day actions, but how’ll you navigate working with your new colleagues. I find it both hilarious and sad that someone will rather struggle to do something than ask for help from someone they may recognize but not really know.

3.  HR stuff will stress you out

Never will anything stress you out as much as applying for medical and dental insurance (obviously things could be worse). There is also sexual conduct, time-off, life insurance and (gasp) direct deposit. Take health insurance — this stuff is so important, and freaks me out. Why is one free, but all the others have a price? A smart person knows free never means good.

4. You will be nervous 

No matter how many times you are told that out of hundreds of applicants you were chosen and how special you are, you’ll still be nervous. Call it self doubt or anxiety or all of the above. Your first couple of days will be riddled with shyness and some awkward moments. Your not quite sure of everyones personality so everything you say is filtered and you’re just not yourself, yet.

5. You will try to impress

 I would hope that everyone knows that the first 3 months of any position is the time that a new hire should make the most of. Even if it isn’t stated that there is a probationary period, one should always tread as cautiously as possible. You’ll be eager to volunteer for most if not all work events, at first because you think you should, and then slowly you’ll find yourself actually wanting to go, just cause.

6. Names. You’ll remember them.

So many faces. I’ve always considered myself a name person. I worked in coffee for a long time, so recognizing familiar faces became a super skill. At the end of the first week, you’ll recognize faces, by the end of the second week, you’ve got the first name to go with the face. If you’re like me four weeks in, you’ll have very few moments where you’ll call someone by the incorrect name.

7. A routine to your day will develop

Coffee at 8:30, off the elevator by 8:45. Get the lights, open the doors, start the coffee, check emails, it all becomes muscle memory. 

8. Things will slowly become easy

You’ll begin to ask less questions, and day after day, rely on others less for help. You’ll find yourself able to figure out simple issues and soon after major catastrophes. In time you’ll be an old dog (in the best way) helping someone new just as you were some time before.

9. You’ll fall in love with your job

My company is relatively small in size, with less than 30 people. Not only are we small but our tight knit group and culture is built on the idea community. Simply put, I work with some of the nicest, outgoing and genuinely coolest people. After work events never feel like work and I look forward to going to work everyday. If that were to ever change, then I’d know it may be my time to go.