When You Finally Say ‘Yes’ To Love


Saying yes to love after heartache takes time. For some it may take two weeks or a matter of hours, but for others it can take years, but when it happens… Oh boy.

It’s reopening the opportunity for love to come back into your life and letting the sunshine come out of your ass.

It’s learning every single excuse you ever gave to not go out on a date was complete and absolute bullshit.

It’s realizing that love is a feeling that comes with courage and decision making. An everyday compromise between two people to stick together regardless of their flaws and crazy personalities.

It’s deciding to love this individual and letting them love you, putting your guard down for the very first time or in a really long time.

It’s admitting you’ve fooled yourself and everyone else whenever the words “I was not made for love” came out of your mouth.

It’s comprehending that all you ever needed was someone who realized that the wait was worth it, that you are worth it.

Someone who knows that saying ‘yes’ meant so much more to you than he/she could ever understand.

When you finally say yes after having your heart smashed into tiny little pieces, you know every single baby step and hesitation cannot be taken for granted.

This is it.

You were made for love.