Exactly What Each Zodiac Sign Learned In 2018 And How They Can Utilize That Lesson In 2019


As each year passes by, we are faced with complex challenges and life-changing opportunities. So, it should come as no surprise that 2019 will be full of intricate obstacles and attractive possibilities. But, as signs of the zodiac, we shouldn’t worry too much, because 2018 will have our backs well into the New Year. So, however intense you think next year might be, dare to take a peek and find out what it has in store for you:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You learned that paying attention to your surroundings really does have its perks.

This past year, you took a few steps forward in the right direction and kept your eyes wide open along the way. Hence, 2019 will be a much easier year for you in many different ways. As long as you keep practicing what you learned last year, you will be able to see the opportunities and grab them as soon as they come.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You learned how to love yourself again.

2018 was a big year for body positivity, and you were greatly influenced by this. You embraced your body, you learned how to be confident in your own skin, and you ultimately fell in love with yourself. The New Year will push you to face your fears even further and the fact that 2018 made you believe in your own damn self, will come in handy.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

You learned how to connect with your emotions.

The last 12 months were highly significant for you. You opened your heart and you let the right people in; you cherished those moments and you vowed to never be guarded and cold ever again. The good news is that in 2019 you will continue working on this side of you; the bad news is that it won’t be easy. But, you can do it, dear Gemini!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You learned how to trust in the power of the Universe.

The past year was full of transitions and adjustments you had to accept, whether you liked them or not. But you handled it well and emerged stronger than before. So, in order to be more successful and come out on top next year as well, you should continue learning how to breathe deep and let things go; especially the things which are beyond your control.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You learned the true value of humility.

Far too often you made the mistake of being a show-off. As a result, you pushed the right people away and let the wrong ones stay. But in 2018, you made changes and you should be proud (but not too proud). Next year will teach you a thing or two about cutting ties and letting go. Don’t worry, though! In order to live the life you dream of, you need to let some bridges burn.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

You learned how to step out of your comfort zone.

In 2018, you finally let loose and showed that you are ready to live out loud. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that next year you will continue in those footsteps and learn how to stop sweating the small stuff. As always, the process won’t come easy for you, but the lessons of the last months will help you with this major shift in your life.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

You learned that sometimes it’s the journey that matters, not the destination.

You’ve been through such a turmoil this past year. But, pat yourself on the back because it’s over; you conquered. Now, you need to focus on the next chapter of your life. Consider yourself blessed because 2019 will teach you so much more about life and heartbreak. As long as you remember to breathe and appreciate the present, you will overcome it all.

Scorpio (October 22 – November 21)

You learned how to depend on yourself.

This past year you were your own hero and you guided your own path out of the darkness. So, it’s time to rejoice because the New Year is coming with rewards. It will bring new people into your life; people worthy of your time and love. They will be so attracted by your aura and your self-sufficient ways. You just need to let them in.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You learned how to be content with the simple life.

Your vast imagination and your restless nature have taken you to many exotic places all over the world. But in 2018, you succeeded in slowing down and being thankful with what you already have. So, be prepared because next year won’t be any different. If anything, it will ground you even more and your roots will grow even deeper.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You learned that patience truly is key.

You have an abundance of dreams and goals you’ve set for yourself. But, learning to be patient and accepting that everything takes time were your biggest achievements this year. These were important lessons which will come to save you when 2019 gives you a cold dose of reality. It’s not going to be pretty, but it’s going to be useful.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

You learned how to be proud of your authentic self.

This past year, you’ve made new connections and communicated so well that you saw who you really are. And, what do you know? You actually like this person. The New Year will continue to push you and it will teach you how to stand in your truth even more. The time will come to work on your true self and 2019 will not be forgiving if you go back to your old, isolated ways.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

You learned how to put yourself first.

In the past, you felt like you needed to make excuses if you wished to take care of yourself. But in 2018, you put all those excuses aside and actually splurged on what made you happy. This lifestyle shift will extend well into the New Year. Your newfound confidence will help you crush any obstacles that might appear along the way.