The Worst Parts About Seeing The World In Black And White


When you see the world in black and white, your opinion changes by the hour. You switch between loving certain humans and hating them.

When someone hurts you, your gut instinct is to lash out against them. To block them from every social media channel. To cut them out of your world without looking back.

You have a hard time coming to terms with the fact humans are complex. Most of the time, they fall into a grey area. They aren’t all good or all bad. They aren’t angels or monsters. They have a good side and a bad side.

When you only see in black and white, it’s easy to forget that. It’s easy to misinterpret situations. It’s easy to assume someone is out to get you, when in reality, their decisions have absolutely nothing to do with you.

When you see the world in black and white, you have a bad habit of overestimating your importance. You assume someone hasn’t texted you back because they’re pissed at you, even though they’re really just busy. You assume someone canceled plans with you because they didn’t want to spend any time with you, when really they just screwed up their schedule.

When you see the world in black and white, you have a hard time handling constructive criticism because you view anything slightly negative as an insult. The same thing happens when someone raises their voice a fraction too loud or looks your way a second too long. You jump to conclusions.

When you see the world in black and white, you have strong opinions about everything. Foods. Music. Politics. Celebrities. Books.

You have a hard time seeing another person’s point during disagreements because you feel like one of you has to be right and the other has to be wrong. It’s hard for you to take a step back and realize, you could both be right. You could both have a point.

When you see the world in black and white, your mind changes as quickly as your mood. If someone compliments you, you love them. If someone ignores you, you hate them. There’s never any middle ground with you. You can never be okay with someone. They’re either your favorite person in the world or you never want to see their face again. You switch from one extreme to the other, which can make you come across as fickle, untrustworthy, and unpredictable.

When you see the world in black and white, you’re doing yourself a disservice. You’re pushing away people who could be good for you.

People are more complex than you realize. If someone makes a simple mistake, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a horrible person. At the same time, if someone holds open the door for you or likes your selfies, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a good person.

Bad people can do good things. Good people can do bad things. But most of the time, people aren’t inherently good or bad. They fall into a grey area.