When You’re The Only One Of Your Friends Who Isn’t Single


When you’re the only one of your friends who isn’t single, you feel like you aren’t allowed to complain. After all, you’re dating the love of your life. You have it good. Better than good. You realize you’re lucky, which is why it feels wrong to whine about something so small, but it’s not always easy being the only person in your friend group who doesn’t fit in.

When you’re the only one of your friends who isn’t single, there are going to be times when you feel excluded. There are going to be times when your friends gather together to bash dating, to bash relationships, to bash girls who post constant selfies with their boyfriends.

You don’t want to ruin their fun. You’re happy they’re celebrating the single life. But at the same time, you’re right there. You’re in a relationship. You’re doing all of the things they’re hating on. You don’t want to start an argument by defending yourself — but you don’t want to jump into the conversation and complain along with them because it would be inauthentic.

You know they aren’t trying to make you feel like you’re being judged, you know they have no idea you’re uncomfortable, so you stay quiet until the subject changes.

When you’re the only one of your friends who isn’t single, there are times when you aren’t invited out on weekends. Your friends might have a singles only night. They might go to clubs to dance with strangers. They might assume you aren’t interested in joining them because you’re already in a relationship, because you would be uncomfortable dancing with other guys, because you wouldn’t want to be left alone when they go home with someone else. Even though you understand why they leave you out at times, it doesn’t make it suck any less.

When you’re the only one of your friends who isn’t single, there are bound to be certain people who won’t want to hear about your relationship. Ever. When you try to talk about the cute thing your person did for you, they will roll their eyes and fake gag. They will act like you’re bragging, when really, you’re just trying to share your day with them. Whenever you spend time with people like this, you have to be careful about what you say. You have to monitor every word that comes out of your mouth to avoid mentioning your person’s name too many times in a row — which is hard when most of your time is spend together.

When you’re the only one of your friends who isn’t single, you can accidentally come across as an asshole. Your friends might think you’re judging them when you ask about their love life. They might think you’re being annoying if you encourage them to ask out their crush. Of course, that’s not the case at all. You just want them to be happy. If they’re having a good time being single, then you hope they stay single. You just want what’s best for them, no matter what that means.