When You're Pissed At Your Forever Person, You're Supposed To Handle Your Emotions Maturely

When You’re Pissed At Your Forever Person, You’re Supposed To Handle Your Emotions Maturely

When you’re pissed at your person, you aren’t supposed to slam doors and storm out of the house. You aren’t supposed to give the silent treatment, avoid answering messages, and leave them wondering where you have gone. You aren’t supposed to run away from your problems. You are supposed to take steps toward fixing them. You are supposed to sit down and have a mature conversation. Even if you  cannot do that in the moment, if you need a little while to breathe, if you need space, walk away like an adult. Tell them where you’re going. Tell them you’ll be back later to talk your emotions through. Tell them you still love them, you aren’t going to leave them, but you need a few hours to decompress.

When you’re pissed at your person, you aren’t supposed to text your ex to meet up with them. You aren’t supposed to log back onto Tinder. You aren’t supposed to hit on the first person who catches your eye at the bar. You aren’t supposed to act out and sabotage the relationship because you are upset. You aren’t supposed to blow off steam by cheating. You are supposed to stay loyal to your person, even when you are sleeping in separate beds, even when you are on rocky grounds.

When you’re pissed at your person, you aren’t supposed to drown your sorrows in alcohol. You aren’t supposed to get black-out drunk. You aren’t supposed to use liquor or drugs to numb the pain. You aren’t supposed to vent to bartenders when you should be venting to a therapist — or to your person. If you want your relationship to last, you cannot escape to the bar whenever there is an issue. You have to face the issue head-on. You have to learn how to deal with your emotions in a more mature, responsible way.

When you’re pissed at your person, you aren’t supposed to call names. You aren’t supposed to say things you are going to regret. You aren’t supposed to bring their family into it just to hurt them. You aren’t supposed to bring up every mistake they have ever made in their life, mistakes you have already forgiven them for. You aren’t supposed to use them as a punching bag. You aren’t supposed to fight dirty. You are supposed to express your opinion in a productive way. You are supposed to explain how you feel without turning the conversation into a roast.

When you’re pissed at your person, you are still supposed to treat them with respect. You are not supposed to use your anger as an excuse to scream at them, to curse at them, to hit them. You are not supposed to justify toxic actions by claiming they drove you to do them. You are not supposed to shift the blame when you are the one who screwed up. You are supposed to treat your person right, even when you are upset with them, because you would never dream of causing them pain. You would never dream of hurting them in any way. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

Keep up with Holly on Instagram, Twitter and Amazon