Let’s Get This Straight: Texting You Does Not Make Me ‘Clingy’


I am not going to change anything about myself in order to impress you. I am not going to hold myself back from texting you for three days or scroll passed one of your selfies without hitting the heart button out of fear you will run in the other direction.

If you consider me too clingy for your tastes, that’s that’s probably because you do not like me with the same intensity. It’s probably because my feelings are one-sided.

If you liked me, then you would get excited about seeing my name on your phone (yes, even if it popped up three times in a row). If you liked me, then you would be excited about setting plans every single weekend. If you liked me, then you would be excited about introducing me to your friends and staying the night so we could share cinnamon toast in the morning.

If you consider me too clingy I know you are not interested in a serious relationship with me because I am not actually clingy. I am not going to complain when you spend a night out with your friends or when you take more than an hour to answer my messages. I am not going to force you to hang out with me five days a week or miss work for me. I am not going to ask you to revolve your entire world around me.

I work long hours. I spend a lot of time with my friends. I have a full schedule. I have my own life. I don’t have time to watch your every move.

My version of clingy is answering your texts back in a timely manner and holding your hand in public and hoping to grab dinner with you on the weekends. If that is too clingy for your tastes, then you are not the kind of person I want to build a relationship with. You probably don’t want a relationship at all. You are probably happy playing the field and keeping your options open.

Moving forward, I won’t waste time with anyone who considers me too clingy because I am proud of wearing my heart on my sleeve. I am allowed to use my voice. I am allowed to chase after what I want. I am allowed to send the first text and make the first move.

I am not going to harden my soft heart in order to increase my sense of mystery. I am not going to follow unspoken modern dating rules to come across as heartless.

I am going to say whatever pops into my mind without censoring myself. I am going to compliment you and double text you and make it clear how much I care. If you are not okay with that, then you are not the one for me.

I want someone who appreciates my compliments. Someone who is sick of mixed signals. Someone who considers my straightforward honesty refreshing. Someone who acts just as clingy as I do.