Maybe We’re Not Meant For Each Other, And Maybe That's Okay

How To Walk Away From A One-Sided Relationship

You are never going to walk away from a one-sided relationship until you admit that it is unbalanced. Admit how unfair you have been treated. Admit how much you have been doing, even though you have been getting nothing in return.

Haven’t you been the one sending every text? The one who always asks to hang out? The one keeping conversations alive?

That is not the way healthy relationships are supposed to go. They are supposed to be equal. They are meant to stay balanced.

You are never going to walk away from a one-sided relationship until you realize this other person is never going to change. They are not going to wake up one morning and magically decide to start treating you right. They are not going to give you what you have been begging to have for so long.

It does not matter if you give them all the love stored in your heart. It does not matter if you sacrifice for them. It does not even matter if you threaten to leave. They are not going to come to their senses and change their minds. They are always going to be like this. Always.

You are never going to walk away from a one-sided relationship until you take a step back and survey your surroundings. Stop letting your emotions blind you. Stop letting this person get away with mistreating you because you have strong feelings for them.

You should not get excited when you actually get a text back or when they actually agree to plans or when they actually pay attention to you instead of pushing you into the background of their story. They should be doing those things all the time, not only on occasion. Not only when you’re lucky.

You are never going to walk away from a one-sided relationship until you admit that you have been burning yourself out lately. You have been jumping through hoops for someone who does not even seem to notice half the time.

You cannot give up your happiness, your peacefulness, or your sense of self to gain someone’s love. If they were right for you, then they would have offered their affection freely. They would not have made you fight for their attention. They would not have asked you to give up so much of yourself.

You are never going to walk away from a one-sided relationship until you think with your head instead of your heart. Until you look at the reality instead of getting distracted by the daydream version of them in your mind.

You are never going to walk away from a one-sided relationship until you see your self-worth. Until you acknowledge how much more you deserve. You deserve to have a phone filled with notifications. You deserve to sit back and relax while the other person plans the date. You deserve to be treated like you are loved, like you are a first priority.

You will only walk away from a one-sided relationship after you see the situation for what it really is. Unfair. Unbalanced. Unhealthy. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Holly Riordan

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.