50 Proposal Ideas That Will Make Her Say YES In A Heartbeat
Propose by entering a photo booth with her and showing her the ring as the camera flashes to catch her reaction.
Finding the right proposal idea is hard, but very important. If you expect someone to spend the rest of their life with you, you should show them you are worth their time. That is why your proposal idea has to be epic. It has to be something she will remember for an eternity.
50 Proposal Ideas
1. Propose by hiring a skywriter to write Will You Marry Me in the sky.
2. Propose by having the question written on a slip of paper and sticking it inside of a fortune cookie.
3. Propose by attaching the engagement ring to your dog’s collar and letting him bring it to her.
4. Propose on the kiss cam during a sporting event.
5. Propose by creating a scavenger hunt around town for her that ends with you down on one knee.
6. Propose by putting her ring in the bottom of her champagne glass at a restaurant.
7. Propose by having a caricaturist draw a picture of you asking the big question.
8. Propose by getting her favorite author to sign a book for her — and having them write Will You Marry (Name) inside.
9. Propose by creating a scrapbook of pictures and taping the ring to the last page.
10. Propose during a game of Pictionary.
11. Propose by entering a photo booth with her and showing her the ring as the camera flashes to catch her reaction.
12. Propose by giving her a ring or necklace with the words Marry Me inscribed.
13. Propose by writing out the words on a Scrabble board.
14. Propose by getting together a flash mob.
15. Propose by having a celebrity ask the question on Cameo.
16. Propose by hiding the ring inside of her dessert.
17. Propose with a temporary tattoo that says Marry Me.
18. Propose by having your child (or younger sibling or cousin) ask the question for you.
19. Propose while playing The Whisper Challenge.
20. Propose in the middle of karaoke.
21. Propose with a choir.
22. Propose by calling into a radio show and asking the host to dedicate a song to your person.
23. Propose by ordering personalized M&Ms that say Marry Me.
24. Propose with a rap.
25. Propose by hiding the ring inside of a plastic egg during an Easter egg hunt.
26. Propose by carving ‘Marry Me’ into a pumpkin for Halloween.
27. Propose by writing the question on a billboard.
28. Propose during a game of Heads Up.
29. Propose by writing the question in the snow.
30. Propose by writing Marry Me on a message in a bottle and making sure she ‘discovers’ it when you walk along the beach.
31. Propose by writing the message in Christmas lights.
32. Propose by giving her a Build-a-Bear with a voice recording of you popping the question.
33. Propose by hiding the ring inside of a box of her favorite snacks.
34. Propose during a game of Speak Out.
35. Propose by writing the question underneath a kite and then flying it above her.
36. Propose by creating an entire webpage about how much you love her and how you want her to be your wife.
37. Propose by writing Will You Marry Me in the sand at the beach.
38. Propose by hiring a band to show up for a surprise performance.
39. Propose by letting her unwrap her ring as a birthday or anniversary gift.
40. Propose by taking her back to the place where you first met and recreating your first night together.
41. Propose while skydiving.
42. Propose by writing the question in chalk on your driveway.
43. Propose by slipping the ring onto her finger while she is sleeping and seeing her reaction in the morning.
44. Propose by writing and performing a song for her that ends with you popping the question.
45. Propose by making a video compilation and having her watch it with you.
46. Propose by writing the question in rose petals inside the bedroom.
47. Propose by buying space in the local newspaper to tell her how much you love her.
48. Propose by creating a recording of you asking her to marry you and then secretly downloading it onto her iPod.
49. Propose by having your friends and family wear custom t-shirts with the words ‘will’ and ‘you’ and ‘marry’ and ‘me’ written across them.
50. Propose by writing into a television show and asking to pop the question live on air.
31 adorable Proposal stories
1. He Proposed With Origami Cranes
“There’s a Japanese tradition that says if you fold a thousand cranes and make a wish, that wish will come true. So, over the course of several months, I folded a thousand origami cranes and hid them so he wouldn’t find them. Once I had a thousand, I woke up early and hung them from the ceiling outside our bedroom, making a forest at the end of it. I stood at the end, holding up a note that explained why there were cranes, and that my wish was for us to spend the rest of our lives together.
It worked.” — Quouar
2. He Proposed On A Roller Coaster
“I’m not married but I’m recently engaged. I proposed by holding a piece of paper on a rollercoaster ride and unfolded it when it took a picture during the ride. I then took her to the screen and stood behind her while she looked at the picture and held out the ring.” — stagedivesandhigh5s
3. He Proposed During A Play
“My parents love to act and they were playing opposite each other in a play at a local theater after they had dated for a while. My Dad’s character in the show falls in love with my Mom’s character and proposes during the show. During one performance, my Dad switched out the prop ring for a real one and proposed on stage during the show. No one knew he was really proposing except for them, even though they were in front of 300 people.” — brenswen
4. He Proposed With A Prank
“My father had a friend on the police force. He called ahead and asked him to wait at a certain spot in the road, While my father tried to impress my mother with some speeding in the car his cop friend pulled out behind them and pulled them over, My mother didn’t think anything of it, because after all they were speeding. So the cop asked my father to get out of the car and put his hands on the hood, then asked to tell my mother to do the same, When they both get out there together in front of the car, My dad got down on one knee and proposed.” —[deleted]
5. He Proposed While Playing A Video Game
“I beat Pokemon Blue with only a Blastoise and a level 11 Sandshrew for HMs. He knew I was doing this.
After beating the game, I went and caught five more and asked him if he thought he could beat my Pokemon team. He was confused as he thought I just had a Blastoise so he said yes!
I kneeled and handed him my game, open to my six Sandshrew that had the names ‘Will’ ‘You’ ‘Marry’ ‘Me,’ ‘First Name’ ‘Last Name?’.
Still married!” — this-is-my-design
6. He Proposed With His Camera
“I do photography as a hobby (well, used to). I created a ‘will you marry me’ sign, and took a photo of it, and left it on my memory card.
A few days later, while my girlfriend and I were on holidays in Canada, I was taking some photos, and after she had walked a few meters away, I quickly flicked back to the proposal photo, and called out, ‘Honey, come and have a look at this photo!’ (this was nothing unusual). While she came over, I knelt down and got a different lens out of my camera bag, as well as the ring, surreptitiously.
When she came over, I handed her the camera, which had ‘will you marry me?’ on the screen, got onto one knee, and held up the ring.
Then she just started crying, and I was like ‘oh shit’, but it turned out crying meant yes.” — [deleted]
7. He Proposed Before A Run
“We had planned to go for a run on Saturday morning. So When she was out with her friends that Friday night, I tied the ring to her running shoes. Then the morning of, I was all excited for a run, and she couldn’t figure out why. Then she went to put her shoes on and saw the ring.” — borno23
8. He Proposed During A Scavenger Hunt
“I’ve made a scavenger hunt type thing where she has to solve a riddle to find the next one, leading us around town to all the sentimental places of our relationship. Going to pop the question on the last one!” — Nikantor22
9. He Proposed With His Cat’s Help
“I hung the ring on a ribbon around my wife’s cats neck to let her find it. When she saw it she had to chase the cat, catch him, and get the ribbon off (he bit the shit out of her!) She put the ring on and we were engaged. I never asked the question.” — twinsrule
10. He Proposed With A Picture
“My husband took me to the San Diego zoo (my favorite place) and we decided to get a caricature. When she turned our drawing around it was of him on one knee and me with hearts for eyes. I looked over at my husband and he was on one knee with a ring. It was really cute. He had arranged the whole thing with the artist days before.” — hugitoutguys
11. He Proposed At Disney
“We are both big Disneyworld fans. We took a week-long vacation there, and on our fourth day, took a break from the parks for some spa time and general relaxation. That evening we had dinner and Victoria & Albert’s (which is phenomenal). On the way out of the restaurant, we were greeted by someone dressed as a Disney cast member.
The ‘cast member’ invited us to take part in a Disney promotion, we just had to take part in a short treasure hunt. My then-girlfriend eagerly accepted, and soon we were down on the beach near the Seven Seas Lagoon. We found a star in the sand, and dug up a small treasure chest that had been shallowly buried. Inside was an electric candle and a note (because I didn’t trust them with the ring).
I took a knee and gave my speech, perfectly timed with those reliable Wishes fireworks. She smiled. It was perfect.” — [deleted]
12. He Proposed With A Fortune Cookie
“I’m Chinese. I made her Chinese food and afterwards gave her a fortune cookie. I’d taken the fortune out and replaced it with my proposal, and re-heat-sealed the package.” — Bramphousian
13. He Proposed With A Card Game
“We’re both big fans of the card game Dominion. So I organized a game with her and my friend (who had the ring, since my wife has a tendency to touch around where my pockets are… I was afraid she’d feel the ring), and I took one of the blank cards that came with the game, and created my own Action card called Engagement.
It had a crudely-drawn picture of a ring (I’m an absolutely pathetic artist), and underneath it said
+1 Ring
+1 Fiancée
+1 ‘Yes!’
If you’re wondering about the presumption of the +1 ‘Yes!’ I was already very confident she’d say yes. Anyway, I rigged the card setup so that I would start the game with that card. Normally (except for Dark Ages expansion) nobody can play Action cards within the first 2 turns, so when I announced in my first turn that I’d be playing an Action, it confused her.
So I played the Engagement card, and then my friend handed me the ring and I got down on one knee, yadda yadda yadda.” — Erekai
14. He Proposed In His Pajamas
“At home, on the back deck, summer evening, after I cooked her her favorite meal, candlelight, lanterns, she was wearing pajamas. Was perfect.” — Bangkok_Dave
15. He Proposed Beneath A Waterfall
“I proposed to my wife under a waterfall in a cave.
Eden Falls Cave is in the Boston Mountains in Northwest Arkansas. We had hiked there once before, but hadn’t made it to the waterfall in the back of the cave. You have to crawl for a good 10 meters, but once you make it to the back, it opens up into a large circular room with a high waterfall. Glad a chose the spot, and wouldn’t change a thing!” — SargePants
16. He Proposed Using Books
“I folded the words ‘Will you marry me?’ into books and presented them to her. I also made the ring box out of a R2-D2 mint tin.” — troddeh
17. He Proposed On Christmas Morning
“Christmas morning at her parents house. We had been dating for 11 years so I don’t think anybody thought we would ever get married. We got through all the presents and I go, ‘Wait a minute, I think there’s one more’ and knelt on the floor to rummage through my jacket. Then, knee on the ground, I pivoted towards her and said, ‘I have one other thing for you… but you have to marry me to get it.'” — linecookdaddy
18. He Proposed At A Stadium
“I was the Bud Light ‘Mr. Stadium Scoreboard Marriage Proposal Guy’. Cringe worthy on the surface, but it was perfect for us.
It was the 1 year anniversary of our first date, which was at a baseball game. I arranged to get the same seats and got the front office to work with me, etc. However, I took it a step further, and had all of her friends/my friends at the game. They all ‘hid’ in a restaurant overlooking the field until the time came. In between innings they had one of those trivia games where they ask fans to guess an answer from the scoreboard. She was the fan, per the plan. She got the damn question wrong – which meant no $50 Dave and Busters gift card – but then they told her I had another question. Yada yada yada, she said yes, tried to call all her friends, they didn’t answer, went to the restaurant overlooking the field and they were all there.
It was pretty awesome to share it with all our friends and we made the 11pm news…the sportscaster used the pun ‘instead of dime-a-dog night, it was diamond dog night tonight at the ballgame’. I’m pretty sure my parents have it on VHS somewhere.” — CJsDad
19. He Proposed Like The Movie Tangled
“This just happened a few weeks ago for me.
She always joked that if I proposed it had to be like the lantern scen from Tangled. So, I bought 10 paper lanterns, drew Rapunzel’s sun on one of them with gold marker and was set.
Plan was to set it up in our place before meeting her downtown fit dinner. Problem was that because I work out of town, her dad has our spare key to watch our dog and I forgot to ask her to leave the main key for me, so I was locked out.
On our way home from dinner I suggested she take a bath; I’d even run it for her and make it all nice. Didn’t fly, she just wanted a quick shower and watch some TV before bed.
While she was in the shower, and getting changed, I quickly set up 5 of the lanterns and locked her in the bedroom while I finished.
I got her to close hey eyes and led her out and got on my knee.
Didn’t go as planned but, she still said yes.” — huntergreenhoodie
20. He Proposed Through A Love Letter
“My step dad was in the air force and got stationed over in Korea for a few years after him and my mom had started dating. They wrote each other back and forth, huge 20 page letters, this was back in the early 90’s so cell phones weren’t a thing and international calls from landlines were mega expensive, so they only talked like once a month on the phone and other than that wrote huge letters. Then one day my mom get a letter from him. One page, written in huge letters, ‘WILL YOU MARRY ME??’ Obviously she accepted, and they just celebrated their 20th anniversary on Valentines Day.” — breezy84
21. He Proposed In Front Of Cinderella Castle
“I did it alongside the Disney World castle. I wanted to do it in front of the castle but there was a show going on in front of it — therefore a lot of people and thus made me even more nervous. So I found a little place off to the right. Asked her sister to take our picture and dropped to one knee. As she said yes, the show ended and fireworks went off. You can see the fireworks in the pictures. Ultimately it was perfect timing. Free fireworks as she said yes.” — Tyler2191
22. He Proposed Inside A Movie Theater
“I made a fake movie trailer and had it played inside the theater before a movie.” — roryfox
23. He Proposed At The Renaissance Fair
“At the renaissance faire.
I found a nice clearing off to the side and suggested to the group that it would be a good place to take some pictures of all of us in our outfits. We started with just the girls, then the guys, finally couples. I handed my camera to my friend and he took some simple pictures of my then-girlfriend and I together.
Then I dropped to one knee and took off my hat, he captured every moment. The look on her face was priceless.
When I rose back to my feet, there was a small crowd gathered behind our friends, applauding. Then we celebrated with some mead! For the rest of the day, visitors, performers and cast members all congratulated us. We were like celebrities, it was awesome.” — CoffeeJedi
24. He Proposed On Easter
“I put it in a plastic Easter egg along with others that had candy and gave her an Easter basket. I love things like this. She wasnt impressed. Been married 7 years now.” — UselessGadget
25. He Proposed During A Prayer
“It was our first Thanksgiving together and we had only been together three months. I was very pissed off at him because even though he promised me we could go to my family’s Thanksgiving first we ended up at his.
His mom kept giving me glasses of wine and I got mildly buzzed. If I had drank one more glass I would have tipped over into the drunk category. Finally we sit down to dinner, and I’m still fuming to myself about missing my family’s Thanksgiving.
I should have known something was up when he volunteered to pray. He hates religion. Near the end of the prayer he says ‘… And I hope she says yes.’ I look at him, nearly drunk and confused. I look around the table and his entire family is just staring at me, smiling. I’ve never felt more awkward in my life.
He said, ‘Will you marry me?’ Of course I said yes! Other then the fact that I was head over heels in love with him I was drunk at his aunts house with over 10 people staring at me expectantly. Sometimes I regret saying yes, but i never regret loving him. We have a beautiful son and another baby on the way. We’ll be married four years in April.” — MrsKristyLynn
26. He Proposed On The Side Of The Road
“Had a horrible weekend visiting my witch of a mother.
Driving home and he totally threw me off even entertaining the thought of marriage by misleading me in regards to how much money he had at the time.
He said, ‘I have to pee’ and pulled onto the side of the road.
And then in the pouring rain he ran around to my side if the car, opened the door, knelt in the mud and proposed. It was very cute.
He also then spent the next week fretting over whether he did it right!
This was literally a week ago, so still feeling pretty chuffed.” — Tj08
27. He Proposed At Her Graduation Ceremony
“I proposed at my now wife’s Master’s graduation ceremony since her whole family was there.” — MasterAdkins
28. He Proposed During A Picnic
“We’d been talking about getting married for months, and had even gone to a custom jewelers to create our ring together. I knew the ring had been completed, and that he’d gone to pick it up, so I knew the proposal was coming!
He took me to a cafe in the morning for breakfast, then organized a picnic in the park. It was absolutely pouring down with rain though, so we ended up putting down the seats in the back of the car and having a car picnic…he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him with the sweetest and most romantic speech. I still burst into tears, even though I knew it was coming!” — dyingofthefeels
29. He Proposed On A Cruise
“On a cruise, I proposed to him on the bow of the Independence of the Seas while we were there at night watching the stars.” — dhemrick
30. He Proposed First Thing In The Morning
“My now fiance guaranteed that she would be able to sniff out my plan ahead of time, so I took a surprise day off of work and surprised her at 6am with flowers, breakfast in bed, and a ring. She was pleasantly surprised.” — Kramanos
31. He Proposed After The Fireworks
“This past year. Brought friends out from another state to go to Disneyland. Planned it out for my friend to take her camera and take our picture in front of the statue and castle after the fire works. After he took the first one he delayed saying it was out of focus, which distracted her while I pulled out the ring.
She was a bit awe struck and forgot to answer but said yes.
A couple of tweens started bawling and one of them exclaimed rather loudly, ‘I want my love life to be like that!’
While we all laughed, but couldn’t help thinking, ‘You’re 14, you got time.'” — guanerick