How To Lose An Adventurous Girl


You are going to lose an adventurous girl if you refuse to leave your comfort zone. If you turn down every date idea she suggests. If you never want to hang out with her friends. If you never agree to wake up early or leave the house too late. If you let your fears get in the way of tagging along on her adventures.

You are going to lose an adventurous girl if you insist on doing the same exact thing every single day. If history constantly repeats itself. If you are inflexible. If you are predictable. If you have a set routine you refuse to alter, even when she has exciting ideas she wants you to take part in.

You are going to lose an adventurous girl if you have trouble living in the moment. If you fail to appreciate the beauty surrounding you. If you are always complaining about something. If you are never happy. If you are always wishing you were someplace else.

You are going to lose an adventurous girl if you are co-dependent. If you need her attached to your hip at every hour of the day. If you never give her space to breathe. If you think every activity needs to become a couple activity. If you freak out when she goes a few hours without texting back. If you attempt to take away her freedom.

You are going to lose an adventurous girl if you try to control her. If you try to talk her out of following her dreams because you consider them unobtainable. If you warn her not to take risks because it is too dangerous. If you look down on her tattoos and frequent changes in hair color. If you make her feel like being herself is impossible around you.

You are going to lose an adventurous girl if you need to make plans weeks in advance. If you will never take a spontaneous road trip. If you will never surprise her on a whim. If you hate going outdoors. If you spend most of your time on the couch, talking about what you want to accomplish instead of going out there and actually taking action.

You are going to lose an adventurous girl if you like to play it safe. If you are uncomfortable with change. If you always need things to stay the same. If you never take chances. If you are unable to alternate between staying inside with a good book one weekend and swimming with dolphins the next weekend.

You are going to lose an adventurous girl if you want to settle down to early. If you try to create a timeline for your relationship instead of letting it unfold naturally. If you pressure her into moving in with you or marrying you before she is completely ready. If you attempt to change her into someone she is not. If you make her feel like she has to choose between living a life with you and living a life of adventure.