You Are Allowed To Be A Bitch


You are allowed to cut people out of your life, even if you have known them since you were little and will feel like a total bitch for moving on without them. You are allowed to ignore texts from exes who are bad for you instead of playing nice and answering them back. You are allowed to delete people you are sick of seeing from social media. You are allowed to rid yourself of the toxic people polluting your happiness. You are allowed to start fresh and surround yourself with friends who will push you forward instead of sticking with friends who have only been hurting you and holding you back.

You are allowed to choose the selfish option. You are allowed to move across the country, even though your parents and close friends keep trying to guilt trip you into staying local. You are allowed to pick a career path that you are passionate about instead of entering the family business. You are allowed to date the person you feel sparks with instead of the person everyone thinks is best for you. You are allowed to take control of your own life without worrying about what other people will have to say about it.

You are allowed to leave a party early, even though all of your friends will say you’re no fun. You are allowed to decide that you would rather sleep for eight hours than stay out until two in the morning drinking. You are allowed to choose your own privacy over socializing. You are allowed to take some time for yourself, alone. You are allowed to cancel plans at the last second when your mental health can’t handle any more social interaction that day, because your true friends will understand. Your true friends won’t call you a bitch for taking care of yourself.

You are allowed to spend the night talking to a stranger at the bar and then refuse to give them your number. You are allowed to kiss someone and then stop them before it leads to sex. You are allowed to flirt with someone for a few weeks, realize they aren’t your cup of tea, and then break the bad news to them. You are allowed to turn someone down. You are allowed to say no, even though the other person might hate you for it. Even though they might call you a tease. Even though they might call you a bitch.

You are allowed to disagree with the people around you. You are allowed to speak your mind when someone says something that doesn’t sit well with you. You are allowed to have your own opinion. You are allowed to have a voice.

You are allowed to act like a bitch, because most of the time, it isn’t even an insult. Most of the time, it just means other people are uncomfortable with the fact that you think highly of yourself. That you won’t let yourself get pushed around. That you won’t let them walk all over you.