Stay Single Until You Find Someone Like This, Based On Your Birth Order

Twenty20 / @annanos96

Only Child

Stay single until you find someone who makes you stop wanting to isolate yourself. Someone you’re happy to sit with on the couch while they play around on their phone and you read a book. Someone who you’re completely comfortable being around, even when no words are being said.

Stay single until you find someone who is willing to commit. Someone who is mature enough to stay loyal and stay inside instead of go out and party. Someone who will willingly buy you an extra toothbrush and make space in their drawers so you can add your clothes to them. Someone who is just as enthusiastic about spending forever together as you are.

Youngest Child

Stay single until you find someone who is a kid at heart. Someone who will run through sprinklers with you in the backyard and will see G-rated Disney movies with you as soon as they hit the theaters. Someone who isn’t embarrassed about embracing their childish side.

Stay single until you find someone who can make you laugh harder than your best friend can — even better, stay single until you find someone who turns into your best friend. Someone you share inside jokes with. Someone you trust with your deepest secrets. Someone you can’t imagine living without.

Middle Child

Stay single until you find someone who gives you unlimited attention. Someone who rests their hand on your thigh when you’re driving in the car. Someone who kisses your forehead before they leave for work and as soon as they get home. Someone who really makes you feel like you’re loved.

Stay single until you find someone who understands your insecurities. Who doesn’t take it personally when you ask them why they’ve been coming home so late or whether they find another person attractive. Someone who will answer all your questions and reassure you that you’re the only one they want.

Oldest Child

Stay single until you find someone who takes responsibility for their actions. Someone who will admit when they screw up instead of trying to place the blame elsewhere or call you crazy for getting upset. Someone who owns their mistakes, apologizes for them, and makes up for them.

Stay single until you find someone who puts in as much effort as you do. Someone who doesn’t expect you to do all of the work around the house and plan out all of the dates, even though you’re used to taking things into your own hands. Someone who gives you a chance to relax, because they see you as an equal and not as their personal maid/cook/pile of money.


Stay single until you find someone who understands the importance of family. Someone who won’t get jealous if you spend more time with your siblings than with them. Someone who will be happy that you have plenty of people who love you, instead of being mad that they aren’t your entire world.

Stay single until you find someone who gets you. Who doesn’t find any of your quirks weird. Who actually likes that insane side of you that you try to hide from most people. Who makes you feel comfortable being yourself. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Holly Riordan is the author of
Severe(d), A Creepy Poetry Collection.
Pre-order your copy here.

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