30 Hair Raising Stories About What Can Happen When You’re Left All Alone

28. I saw glowing red eyes

I was alone in the living room, sitting by a dying fire, reading the Amityville Horror shortly after it was first published. If you don’t know that supposedly true ghost story, it featured an pig with glowing red eyes that walked on it’s hind legs. I finished the book and was a wee bit scared even though I didn’t believe any of it was really true.

I tossed the book down on the vinyl footstool in front of me, at the instant it hit with a resounding slap the electricity went out in the house. Across the room from me was a pair of glowing red eyes, five feet off the floor at least. It felt like my heart stopped as I sat there in a state of shock, eyes locked with whatever it was.

Lucky for me the power outage only lasted a few seconds although it felt like an eternity or two. When the lights came back I saw the family cat sitting on the back of a chair, her eyes reflecting the last embers of the fire next to me. I started breathing again.

29. The TV kept turning off by itself

I was watching TV late at night a few years. The TV turned off by itself. Initially, that didn’t freak me out so I turned it back on and continued watching. A few minutes later I felt a really uneasy feeling and the TV turned off again. I turned it back on once again but I just had this very distinct feeling something was behind me. When I turned around, along the wall of the hallway leading into the rooms, was this big black mass. I’ll never forget the distinct feeling I had, like it sucked all the energy out of me. It was honestly the most evil/empty feeling I have ever felt in my life. As soon as I looked at it, it darted into the hallway. I turned every damn light on in the house. That was the first and last time I have experienced something like that. I don’t really believe in ghosts or shadow people but that event is the one thing from keeping me a skeptic..sorry for the long text

30. I heard my name when no one was home

Heard my name when I was alone in my room one time. Heard it clear as day. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

Keep up with Holly on Instagram, Twitter and Amazon

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