27 People Reveal Their Terrifying Real Life Creepy Stories

7. Creepy old man

When I was younger my mom would take me and my younger sister to the supermarket with her and let us look at the toy aisle (like maybe 1/5th of an actual aisle) for a couple minutes while she’d go up and down the nearby aisles. I remember one time my sister and I were looking at toys and this one older man started talking to me. He said “You like those toys huh?” and I’m sure I responded in the positive of course. Then he said something I remember verbatim to this very day, over 20 years later:

“If you come with me I’d buy you all these toys.”

Even though I was probably only 7 or 8 I knew about stranger danger and told my sister to leave and go find our mom. We walked away and found her and I never mentioned it to anyone.

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