14. Two freaky instances
This is the first of two instances. First, I was alone in the basement, playing GTA IV with my friend on my PC. It gets to about 1 AM and we’re having a blast, shooting RPGs and throwing grenades willy nilly. Then I hear a sound that really doesn’t fit with GTA. I figure it’s not coming from my headset, so I take it off. The sound that’s being made is coming from an old music box that we have. The last time it was used was probably 10 years ago. And this thing is just full on blaring its song. I start chanting “NO NO NO NO NO” and book it upstairs, leaving my friend on Skype pretty confused. My mom and dad are coming down from their room, my dad equipped with a baseball bat. As you can imagine, it was hard to explain to them that it was NOT an intruder.
My second instance was in the same basement. Now, my basement has a main area where most of our furnishings are, and a satellite room off of that. Then, there’s the unfinished part of the basement where I’m sure the spirits dwell, but I digress. Anyway, this time I’m playing GTA IV again with the same friend. It’s about 1 AM again, and we decide to call it a night. It’s at that point that I hear “Da da da daaaaaa daaaaaaa” (read with two little girl voices) from the bowels of the unfinished part of the basement. Now, it’s pitch black around me except for my island of salvation at my computer. At this point, I’m just so fuckin done with ghosts that I say, “Fuck it, fine, have the basement” and go upstairs and go to bed. There are a couple more instances of spoody ghosts but they’re not as scary as these two.