27 People Reveal Their Terrifying Real Life Creepy Stories

10. An expressionless figure

It was very early morning/late at night, whatever you wanna call it. Around 5am, still dark. My dad and brother and I were in the car, driving to the mosque. On the way there, there’s this dimly lit road, with a forest on both sides, and a bend that made it difficult to see. Bear in mind this isn’t a residential area, there isn’t even a sidewalk and the nearest intersection is a good kilometre either way.

So we’re driving, we get to this bend, and just before it we see a figure sort of waving us down. They were dressed kinda odd, but I figured it was some sort of running outfit. I don’t wanna say it was glowing or reflective cause I don’t fully remember, but it just made me assume it was some sort of running outfit. Couldn’t make out his face, or anything about him other then his clothing. So he’s waving us down dramatically, my dad slows down but doesn’t really think anything of it. As we turn along the road, we see a car like right freaking there. It was just out of view before the curve in the road, so we would have definitely hit it if my dad didn’t slow down. Dad stops, quickly checks on the driver of the car to make sure he’s okay, then doubles back for some reason, maybe to thank the guy who warned us.

He drove back quite a ways. No one, on either side of the road. It was about 60 seconds from initially seeing the guy to turning around to where he was, no time for him to really go anywhere.

About the author

hoK leahciM

.sguHhgU@ :mih wolloF .golataC thguohT ta recudorP a si leahciM

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