34 Unsettling Photos With Creepy Backstories That Will Keep You Up At Night

33. Vladimir Komarov, Cosmonaut

Source: Imgur

Vladimir Komarov’s funeral. (You might not have been expecting this picture – semi NSFW)

Russia was going to send a guy into space knowing that the ship had over 200 structural instabilities. It was a total suicide mission and everyone knew it, including Komarov. Now, I don’t know all of the in between details, but for whatever reasons it boiled down to either Komarov had to go, or his friend Yuri Gagarin (first guy in space ever) was the 2nd in line and would die in his place. Vladimir Komarov goes, the ship fails, and he screams the whole way down cursing everyone who sent him up there. I’m too lazy to find the source, but I’ve read that he asked for an open casket so that people couldn’t deny what a horrible thing had been done to him.

34. Atomic bombs

Source: Imgur

After Hiroshima, there were shadow outlines of people who had been alive, but had died and disintegrated instantly in the blast. I find it creepy because 1) This was entirely man made and 2) In that instant, life was simply erased. Gone.


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