32 Employees Expose Their Employers’ Secrets And They Will Disgust You

4. Basically, we’re trash
I work for a senior senator. We do not care about anything you say on the phone, mail us, or fax us. If you call to voice your opinion, the intern answering the phone will listen to you for a minute, tell you that they will be sure to let the senator know, hang up and continue surfing facebook. If you mail or fax a form letter (a prewritten letter from an organization that you just sign) it will get thrown out without a second glance. If you hand write a well thought out, calm letter, it may go into the mailbox of the legislative correspondent dealing with the subject matter, and you may receive a general pre written letter on the subject a few months later.
If you send casework it will be sent back to the office in our state, and I’m not sure how they deal with it from there.
5. Contrary to public belief
I used to work at a busy restaurant in the kitchen.
We didn’t have time to spit in your food.
6. You don’t have an account with us? There’s a fee for that
I work at one of the nations largest banks. We have no fucking clue what were doing at anytime, but there will be a fee for that.
7. We’re on to you…
If you have Comcast as your cable provider and live with another person, you can continuously get their 6-month promo deals, by doing a “service take-over” after your promo is up. Just pretend you’re moving out, and the other person is moving in. They will give the new person another 6-month promo, and won’t have to do another install, it just changes who’s info is on the account. Almost nobody uses service takeovers and therefore don’t really keep track of you doing it.