28 People Reveal The Most Humiliating Thing Their Parents Caught Them Doing

3. I think I just fucked Slimer

When I was about 9 or 10, I had just bought some Nickelodeon Gak and was quite excited about it. I played and played and played. As a rather unusual child, the remarkably brilliant idea came to put the gak on my penis. It was gooey and satisfying. My mother walked in to see me laying on my bed with the gak container empty and an incriminating look on my face. She asked, “The gak is in your pants, isn’t it?” I shamefully nodded my head. She slowly closed the door and never spoke of it again. – closetcrazy

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iDALjY4QnY&w=584&h=390%5D

4. Wow, this is the weirdest photoshoot I’ve ever been part of

When I was about 5 or 6 I was at a friends house for the weekend and for some reason I got naked and jumped up and down on his parents bed. My friend takes this camera which he says has no film in it and takes loads of pictures with the flash pretending it’s some weird kind of photo shoot. Seriously OHGODWHY. Anyway as it turns out the camera DID have film in it and they didn’t realise until the dad took it to get developed and got asked some very serious questions by the cops. Yeah. Didn’t go to that friends house any more after that. – Rickolas

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