Remember When People Were Enough


Remember when just meeting up with your friends was enough? When we didn’t obsess over digital proof of a friendship and having a good time.

Remember when silence was enough? When we didn’t have to fill that void of nothing with blinking notifications because the silence was too loud.

Remember when a conversation was enough? When we didn’t have to converse with 5 other people who are not even in front of you because giving them your time is so much more important than giving it to the one who actually took the time to come see you.

Remember when enjoying the moment was enough? When we didn’t have to snap, record, edit, Photoshop, crop and post the hell out of that moment just to tell others you had that perfect moment.

Remember when ‘thank you’ was enough? When we didn’t have to share it on social media to prove a point and have a million people commenting on what an amazing and kind and gracious and inspiring role model we are.

Remember when ‘I like you’ was enough? When we didn’t obsess over getting likes from strangers who don’t even know what we’re like.

Remember when ‘I want you’ was enough? When we didn’t worry between wanting to text back a few seconds or a few hours later because we wanted to appear like we were wanted somewhere or by someone else, so that the one we want will want us more.

Remember when ‘I love you’ was enough?