Here’s Exactly What INFPs Need To Understand About Their Self-Esteem


Yes, this is another INFP self-esteem related post. But the truth is, being an INFP can be difficult at times. When you’re not daydreaming and planning on how to better yourself for the future, reality breaks in and reminds you that it will not conform easily to your point of view.

There are several reasons why boosting your self-esteem is important. As an INFP, it is crucial to know how to cope with real (or imagined) blows to your self-concept. Maintaining a healthy level of self-esteem makes your life happier, simpler and more stable. Individuals with low self-esteem often self-sabotage themselves by erroneously believing they deserve less than they actually do. When you raise your self-esteem, you open the door to new opportunities.

We’ve all felt down in the dumps from time to time. It’s no secret (especially to INFP’s) that INFPs often feel this way mainly from self-critique but unlike ISFP’s, they tend to hide their emotions from others. Some of us have probably tried different techniques, but the bottom line is that you have to find the one thing that:

1. You can remember in times of need,
2. It has to work, and
3. By doing it, some kind of positive transformation actually occurs over time.

This last point is a major factor that people sometimes overlook. If your actions aren’t giving you more than a temporary release, then you’re less likely to continue them. Change happens slowly, one step at a time. So, instead of listing a ton of different coping mechanisms like complimenting yourself and avoiding generic affirmations, I’m going to describe the single, most foolproof way for INFPs to boost their self-esteem from experience.

You have to combine specific compliments with self-affirmations.

That’s it. Once you get used to doing this, all the other techniques for boosting self-esteem come naturally.

Here’s what this means:

1. Pay attention to the compliments you receive. Various other blogs will tell you to practice accepting compliments, but you don’t have to. Just note them, and carry on in silence.
2. Then, believe it. Tell yourself: these words came out of someone else’s mouth, and for whatever reason they said them, I might as well take them as my own truth.

At first, you’ll hear the skepticism and the criticism from your own thoughts. You don’t have to make any effort in consciously ignoring them. All you have to do is repeat the actual sentence that came out of another living person’s mouth.

It might sound melodramatic but over time, you won’t even be aware of the boost in your self-esteem. And that’s the way it should work – otherwise, you’d be self-conscious about raising your self-esteem. The more you do this, the more automatic it becomes. As a bonus, it will stop feeling awkward and begin to feel good.

Life really isn’t as critical as most INFPs think it is. Hopefully as time goes by, we can learn to be less critical of ourselves and the world around us too.