Heidi Priebe

Please Delete My Number

Because I’m going to miss you. Because you’re going to pop into my mind on a rainy Sunday evening when Bon Iver is humming in the background and I’ve poured myself a tall glass of wine and a whiff of your old cologne catches me suddenly off guard – lingering in the apartment like an unwanted house guest who was never invited to stay.

8 Common Misconceptions About ENFPs

Because extroverted intuition and introverted feeling are the two main functions of ENFPs (and therefore the most readily apparent), quite a few stereotypes develop about how this type behaves and processes information.

For Every Fierce Woman Who Has Tried To Be Tame

You have stayed when you wanted to leave. Held on when you wanted to give in. Been at ends with your own exhausted mind about what makes you happy because you do not want the things you were once taught to want.