22 People Share The One Thing They Wish The INFPs In Their Lives Understood


1. “Thank you for listening to me when I get overwhelmed, and thank you for pointing out options that I don’t see because I get stuck.” –INFJ


2. “Stop dreaming and start doing. You are so intelligent and capable. Any career you pursue you will be incredible in.” –INTJ


3. “Please!! Speak up more!!! Your creative brains are so wonderful and the world deserves to hear your unique worldviews!!!” –ENFJ


4. “This is specifically to the younger INFPs out there: It’s okay. It’s okay that you don’t fit in now, that you feel almost alien. Some day you’re going to run into somebody out of the blue and you’re going to find that understanding you’ve been searching for, and that longing to be known as much as you know another person will be satisfied – it may not even be a romantic relationship and believe me when I say that it is still a beautiful thing. Also, it’s okay to not settle in your relationships. Your heart wants what it wants and you know that it will be miserable if you just settle. Follow that heart and make it your compass and do not be ashamed of where it takes you, even if it scares the shit out of you, be proud of it because it’s one in a million and absolutely beautiful.” –ENTP


5. “Your passion is inspiring. I love how strongly you feel about things and the way you are always true to yourself.” –ENTP


6. “Can you please be more specific about what you’re trying to tell me?” –ESFP


7. “You’re fiercely individual. Silent but deadly. Thank you for having your own opinions and talents.” –ESTP


8. “Hey you’re super cool but don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself!” –INFP


9. “Some days, I need you to get out of your comfort zone and call me. I love you lots, but i need reassurance sometimes too.” –ENFP


10. “You’re a wise old soul, but lighten up a bit will you?” –ISFJ


11. “I never mean to hurt your feelings when I try to give you a firm advice based on my intuition. I want to bring you the truth, because I love you.” –ENFJ


12. “You are not the protagonist and no one will ever be that character your imagine them to be. We will always be us. Now commit to one thing and do it. Or all of them. But please just do something besides sitting and complaining.” –ENTP


13. “You’re almost otherworldly. Its like you’re gliding through life on an entirely different plain than I am. And I don’t understand it, but It’s hella inspiring. You’re the hippies, the outsiders – your mind is on fire, but so subtly. Its beautiful. You guys are so alive.” –ISTP


14. “I usually can’t follow what you’re saying. Concrete terms and examples would best help me understand your point.” –ISTJ


15. “I don’t mean my comments to sound critical. I’d just really like for you to plan more.” –ENTJ


16. “Embrace your weirdness. It’s what makes you so you… And what makes us love you!” –ENFP


17. “Oh my stargazing dreamers. Heart on your sleeve, head in the clouds. Making beauty out of everything around you, seeing beauty in everything. I want to protect you. I wish you could know how much in this world will hurt you, without being afraid. You see good in everything, but you are deeply wounded when life flows and people leave, friendships drift, visions pass. Dig deeper in life, engage with more discernment and caution, but never, ever stop loving like you do.” –INFJ


18. “Please share your convictions and beliefs with the world. You have a strong set of morals and beliefs. Please encourage the people in your life by sharing your insights with them!” –ENFP


19. “Please open up. But please don’t hold it against me that I’m not an intuitive and that my style may be quite different from your own.” –ISFJ


20. “I’m sorry that we can’t talk about politics without getting really frustrated with each other. I want to change the world too – and make it safer and happier for everyone, especially the most vulnerable or exploited groups. I think we just have different ideas about how to do it.” –INFJ


21. “When making your point in any debate/argument, please try to not use your own subjective feelings as facts or truth. Those are subjective and may only be true for you.” –INTP


22. “Balance your heart with your head. You tend to solely follow your feelings, but a person can be most wise and developed if they find the perfect balance between heart, mind, and gut. Feelings should not necessarily be the most important all of the time.” –ENTP Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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