19 People Share The One Thing They Wish The ENTPs In Their Lives Understood


1. “You intimidate and frighten me, because you are expressive, comfortable with people, rational and come up with lots of possibilities for any conceivable situation. How do you do that? While I’m fascinated by you and want to learn, I hate when you turn your attention on me and put me on the spot to speak. Can I just hang out in your shadow and watch a while? Is that okay?” –INFJ

2. “People have a tough time getting close to you because you wear a different face for every situation. You seem effortlessly cool, but you feel frantically insecure. Let yourself be absurdly genuine with someone and you’ll find the real you.” –ENTP

3. “Just TELL us when we’re boring you and what you’d rather talk about. Chances are, you could go firing off on another topic so passionately we’d be interested in whatever it is too!” –ENFJ

4. “Just pick something already!” –INTP

5. “To younger ENTPs: you don’t really need to be told this, but keep doing what you’re doing because it will totally be worth it. Screw what they told you, screw tradition, screw the box you kept getting stuffed in. Make your own damn box and then blow it up to make something better, like an octagon or a motherflubbin’ space ship so you can bombard all the other boxes known to man with lasers and photon torpedoes of awesomeness. Go change the world, even if it’s a toilet seat idea. Just don’t sell out for monotony, it’ll kill everything beautiful about you.” –ENTP

6. “You’re not as annoying as you think.” –ENFJ

7. “With the amount of time you’ve spent trying to avoid doing something you could have already gone and done it.” –ENFP

8. “I HATE it when you disrespect my boundaries. Do not take advantage of our kindness. And stop being late, it’s rude.” –ISFJ

9. “Asking from others is ok, but be ready to give in return. We know you get distracted with all of your big ideas but don’t forget about the friends and family who helped you along the way.” –ENFP

10. “There are people who hate rollercoasters. Especially in conversations.” –INFP

11. “Stop making assumptions and stop thinking about the opposite sex. They are getting in the way of you organizing your life and getting it right. Stay classy. Not sassy.” –ENTP

12. “I’m just never on top with you. I try. I try so goddamn hard, but you win every time: you’ve got a faster wit, a quicker tongue, a better argument, a funnier story. Your mind is like a computer running a million programs at once. You’re always one step ahead, testing every motherfucking boundary, pushing every limit, every envelope, every tradition. And I love it. Just don’t destroy yourself. You spiral so easily into skepticism and negativity. Let your mind be your friend, not your enemy.” –ISTP

13. “I need more of you, try to be less into your monologue and connect with people, that will truly make you happy. Don’t shy away from your Fe and make sure to appreciate your minions from time to time.” –ENTP

14. “Please be more focused on what you’re doing.” –ESFP

15. “KEEP GENERATING IDEAS!! They may be out there. But how many people truly know genius when it hits them? You do! Keep up the good work guys.” – ENFP

16. “I am literally in love with your brain. Like, you talk all your fantastic ideas out loud, and my panties drop.” –ENFP

17. “Be careful that you do not treat your friends as mere sounding-boards for your ideas or listening ears. Pay attention to them and their interests and learn how to have more of an attitude of, ‘how can I invest in this person‘ instead of ‘how can I use them.'” –ENTP

18. “Remember that commitment doesn’t have to equal boredom, boundaries, or stagnation. Give other people a chance to join you in your spontaneity and maybe you’ll find someone who can keep up.” –INFJ

19. “Sit still for a second. It won’t kill you.” –INTP