Here Is The Life That You Think You Don’t Deserve


In the life you don’t think you deserve, you are challenged. You have a passion or a talent or a skill that you are proud of and you are encouraged to practice it. You don’t have to treat your greatest strength as a dirty little secret to stay hidden from the rest of the world. You love what you love with enthusiasm and abandon. In the life you don’t think you deserve, you are admired for the things that you are ashamed of in the life that you actually have.

In the life you don’t think you deserve, you are loved. You’re with someone who cherishes you for all the reasons that you cherish yourself and you don’t have to offer compensation. Your body is not a bargaining tool and indifference is not your asset. You are free to give love and to receive it in the life that you do not deserve because you are a person who’s worth loving. Worth fighting for. Worth taking the time to get to know without expectation or demand. You are the simplest, purest version of yourself and in the life that you think you don’t deserve, that is already enough for you.

In the life you don’t think you deserve, you are compensated. Your contributions are appreciated and acknowledged. You do not work for less than you are worth and you do not give out more than you could reasonably expect back. In the life that you do not think you can have, you aren’t afraid to ask for more than what you’re currently receiving. Because you are worth more and it should be simple as that.

In the life you don’t think you deserve, you belong somewhere. It’s not that the Universe carved out a spot specifically for you, rather that you decided to fill up the spaces you have already been offered. You walk into rooms knowing you deserve to be there. You approach people expecting that they will want to interact with you. You find pockets of the Universe where you belong simply because you decided that you belonged there and that was enough. Enough to fit in and be accepted somewhere.

In the life you don’t think you deserve you don’t apologize. You do not need to make excuses for yourself or have to justify all that you are not because the way that you are is worthy of respect and admiration. You love what you love. You want what you want. You are not subject to someone else’s evaluation of where shame ought to be. You are allowed to be proud of everything you are and everywhere you’re going.

In the life you don’t think you deserve you are at peace. Your life is not a frantic race to measure up against and compete with the people around you. You are allowed to be happy with whatever simple things you are happy with and you don’t have to worry about how that makes you seem. The life you don’t think you deserve does not place expectation on where you are vs where you are supposed to be at the age that you currently are. You’re just where you are and you’re the only one deciding if that is good enough.

In the life you don’t think you deserve, you deserve it all – every challenge, every acknowledgement and every piece of love and acceptance you are given. You don’t have to run away from what you fear to be too great, too fantastic, too complete for you to have and hold onto. You are worthy of those big things. You are entitled to believe that you deserve them. In the life that you believe you don’t deserve, you have everything you could have in this life – if only you’d decide you were worth it.

thumbnail image – Zak Cannon