Love Yourself The Way You Love Him


I wish you would love yourself
the way you love him
the kind of love that is patient & tender
aware of your imperfections
& wrapping them in compassion
instead of disdain
I wish you would speak to yourself
the way you speak to him
in a soft tone that holds respect
speaking only the words that are true
thinking thoughts that are born of kindness
I wish you would look at yourself
the way you look at him
with adoring admiration
that communicates pure devotion
steadfast in your capability
I wish you would believe in yourself
the way you believe in him
seeing yourself as the hero of your story
strong & powerful, you hold your head high
telling yourself it’s okay, if you fail
you deserve the love that you give him
to the one that does not love you
like you love him
take that love
& give it to yourself