New Website Has Awesome Literary Bikinis


Have you ever noticed how well bikinis match up to the covers of some of the greatest works of literature? Oh, you haven’t? That’s because it’s a freaking weird thing to notice. That said, I can’t believe how well these bikinis match up with the covers of these famous books.

A new site, Matchbook.Nu, pairs well-loved tomes with itsy-bitsy bikinis. They work so well, it’s sort of mind-blowing.

Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five

This bikini believes life is fruitless and free will is illogical. More like Poolhouse Dive…ing into the water. Kilgore…something about trout being in rivers? Okay. It’s not my best work.

Sloane Crosley’s I Was Told There’d Be Cake

Well, little fashionista. I was told there’d be floaties and pool noodles but we can’t always get what we want.

Yann Martel’s Life of Pi

One more and then you just have to go to the site and see them all. This one’s a dude’s suit. I almost don’t believe the designer wasn’t purposefully inspired by the cover. It’s an exact match.

Sometimes these viral Tumblrs are obvious and boring, but I love this one. It’s so brilliant and weird. I want more.

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image – Matchbook.Nu