10 Struggles Of Being In-Between A Size Medium & A Size Large


1. It’s difficult to order articles of clothing from online retailers. I mean, I’m size Medium at J-Crew, why am I a size Large at Uniqlo?

2. I like food, and typically Medium fits fine–but there are days I want to go for a Shroom Burger at Shake Shack WITH fries, and Medium just doesn’t cut it.

3. When I’m shopping for clothes and see, “The model is wearing a size medium.” I’d think — does it mean I’m a size Medium, or should I get a size large just to be safe?

4. When I see a shirt online that I really like, but I’m hesitant to purchase anything because of the fees associated with return shipping–or even printing out the shipping label, sticking it on the box, and placing the package at a UPS package drop-off location for that matter. It’s not a pleasant experience.

5. I think to myself why retailers haven’t come up with size Marge (Medium + Large) yet. Isn’t Marge genius? Marge would prevent me from buying clothes that were either too small or too large.

6. You see that one of your friends has a similar article of clothing and ask him his size. (Looking at a smaller friend: If he’s a Medium, then I must be a Large, Looking at a bigger friend: If he’s a Large, then I must be a Medium)

7. Buying clothes makes me think about exercise and diet. (Which reminds me, I should probably stop munching on these sweet potato chips.)

8. Me: This Medium shirt fits well. Oh wait, it’s too short.
Sales Associate: How about a Large?
Me: Sure.
Sales Associate: Here you go.
Me: Are you sure this is a Large? It feels like an Extra-Large!

9. Collar Size. The collar size in a Large is too big, and the collar size in a Medium is too small. When will clothing stores come up with a size Marge?

10. Don’t forget the different types of fits. Should I get a Large Slim Fit or a Medium Regular Fit? (I might as well go to a retail store and abandon online shopping altogether)