This Is The Way I Will Love You


This is how I will love you. I will love you with the heart of a child so open and trusting. No expectations, just pure joy in being able to love you.

This is how I will love you. I will love you with the promise of letting you wander free and become all that you aspire to be because I know that in the space where all your dreams are fulfilled, I will find ultimate happiness.

This is how I will love you. I will love you with the simplicity of a Buddhist monk’s heart. Conscious, humble, and never ostentatious because love doesn’t have to be complicated. It only needs to be true.

This is how I will love you. I will love you with the wonder and thrill of young love. Relationships can be monotonous and dull over the years, but I will always choose to see the beauty of us with the eyes that first fell in love with you all those years ago.

This is how I will love you. I will love you with the promise of a best friend’s loyalty making sure that you know that I will always have your back and I am committed to put you first. I will forever be here to hold you, not only through the good times but more importantly through the bad times as well.

This is how I will love you. I will love you with the absolute certainty of a soul mate’s love. So intense and undeniable. There never will be questions or doubt, only the feeling of finally belonging.

This is how I will love you. I will love you in all the ways that you have not been loved. It is a lofty promise, but it is not an insurmountable one, for it is something that will just flow like how we’ve always been, easy and effortless.

This is how I will love you. I will love you in all the ways I’ve always dreamed of loving someone. Selfless and with loving kindness. I will cherish you and be true to you for I know that my heart could never lie to me much less to you. I will assure you every day so you will never have to wonder again.

This is how I will love you. I will love you with the promise of being the best person I can be, for I know you deserve nothing less.