This Is Me Cock Blocking Assholes From My Life In 2018


In 2018, I’m not mistaking a bad guy with a good one because 2017 taught me the difference. A boy feeds you with excuses, he fills you with doubt, anxiety, and disappointment. A man takes you to an actual dinner, he fills you with excitement, confidence, and happiness. A nice guy puts you first, he takes care of you. An asshole puts you last, he completely neglects you. A gentle man plays with your body, he leaves you with pleasure. A fuckboy plays with your heart, he leaves you in pain.

I’m going to weed out the assholes who like me, but want to stay friends, want to date me, but don’t want to be exclusive, want to sleep with me, but aren’t ready to be in a relationship.

In 2018, I’m not falling for almosts. I’m not allowing an asshole to sweet talk me with false hope and broken promises. I’m not allowing an asshole to make me into his fuck buddy, friends with benefits, or rebound. I’m not allowing an asshole to give me half-ass attention, half-ass love, half-ass commitment. I’m not allowing an asshole to leave me in the grey area, to keep me in two contradictory places at once.

I’m not letting an asshole be my almost boyfriend when I can have a real man be my forever person.

In 2018, I’m not getting involved in a toxic relationship. I’m not going to be with an asshole who emotionally abuses me: plays mind games, manipulates the truth, or takes advantage of my innocence. I’m not going to introduce my family to an asshole whose sole intention is to keep me away from them. I’m not going to bring an asshole around the things I am most passionate about when he’s out to belittle their importance. I’m not going to let an asshole into my life when he’s interested in controlling me over loving me.

In 2018, I’m cock-blocking assholes from my life because I get it now. There comes a time when we need assholes to break our heart, scratch our self-esteem, alter our belief in love. There comes a time when we need to know our worth, what we deserve and what love is all about. And there comes a time when assholes get their job done. But, there comes a time when we need to let assholes go, remove them from our life, forgive them for the wrong they’ve done us, heal from the damage they made and be grateful for the lessons they taught us.

In 2018, make it your purpose to gravitate towards who’s good for you, who’s healthy for you, who makes you happy for a lifetime not just for a moment.