I Pray That You Miss Me


I pray that you miss me

I pray that someday down the road you miss me so much it’s unbearable

I pray that it hurts so much to miss me that you try your best to shake the thought but can’t

I pray that you miss my laugh

my touch

my kiss

my kindness

the way that I loved you

I pray that you miss the way that I made you feel, the way that I supported you through your darkest nights and how I let you lean on me during your toughest mornings

I pray that you miss the way I was there for you when no one else was, and how I built you all the way back up when you were down

I pray that you miss the energy that I gave and how I would do anything to be with you and make you happy

I pray that you miss how I didn’t judge you and how I never wanted to change you, how I let you just be you

I pray that you miss our conversations and how easy it was to say whatever you wanted to around me

I pray that you miss how I let you know I would never give up on you whenever you felt like you deserved to be given up on

I pray that you miss how I could turn your weaknesses into strengths and how I could turn the negatives into positives

I pray that you miss having someone that wasn’t afraid to chase your dreams with you, and I pray that you miss having someone that knew exactly who you were and who you wanted to be and loved every part of it

But most of all, I pray that one day you finally realize what you had and how you let that go until missing me becomes part of your every day