Emily Heron

Articles by
Emily Heron
The True Difference Between Codependency and Love Is Not What You’d Think
There are many definitions of codependency in a relationship, so it can be hard to know what exactly it is.
I Don’t Hate You, But I Hate That You Wasted My Time
I don’t hate you, but I hate that I spent so many hours talking to you and thinking of you. I hate that you thought it was okay to waste my time.
10 Dating Red Flags To Look For Before You Get Into A Relationship
If you are looking to be exclusive and they are not, that is a fundamental incompatibility.
What It Feels Like To Have A Manic Episode
When you are experiencing mania for the first time, you might not even notice anything wrong. In fact, you might even feel right for the first time, particularly if you are someone who has struggled with depression or anxiety for their entire life.
9 Ways Green Witches Work With Natural Energy
Witchcraft is a way of working with energy using the natural elements of the earth, typically for purposes of healing and manifestation.
You’ve Been Inside Me But We Still Aren’t Friends On Facebook
We haven’t defined the relationship and I don’t know if we ever will.
With The Right Person, It Will Be Easy
Whatever the case may be, if the relationship is not easy, it’s not a good relationship.
How Your Zodiac Sign Affects The Way You Experience Life
Our astrology is what makes up our personality traits, based upon when we were born and the karma into which we were born.
The Different Levels Of Soulmate Connections
There are different levels of soulmates that you can meet along your life’s journey. Y
Here’s Why Scorpio Is The Most Obsessive Zodiac Sign
Scorpios can also be extremely seductive and romantic in that way. However, when you decide to leave a Scorpio, they do not take to it kindly.
Here’s What It Really Means If You Keep Seeing The Number 444
When I see the angel number 444, or sequences of 4 in general, I know it is a sign from my angels that I am on the right path.
Here’s Why Virgos Should Be Careful About Who They Let Into Their Life
If you are a Virgo, make sure you are surrounding yourself with people who are going to be as good to you as you are to them.
Mercury Retrograde Is Here—Are You Going To Let Your Toxic Ex Back In?
It’s almost as if time will be moving backwards, and it is a time when exes tend to come back around to haunt us, either physically by trying to talk to us or through our memories and dream state.
7 Side Effects Of Living In A Haunted House
When a house is haunted, it can make you do things that you might not normally have done otherwise.
5 Signs You Might Live In A Haunted House And What To Do About It
If you have any doubts about a house you are looking at, always go with your gut. If your own gut isn’t certain, go with the gut of a highly intuitive person.
I Hate That I Still Think Of You
I hate that I do. But I’d be lying if I said I was completely over you.
Virgos Aren’t Just Workaholics—They’re Addicted To Suffering
Virgos need to learn that all work and no play is very bad for the mind, body, and spirit.
5 Signs You Might Be Addicted To Spirituality
It’s important to achieve a state of balance when it comes to spiritual practices and experiences.