8 Fond Memories I Keep From The Mr. Not-So-Rights In My Life


1. My first college boyfriend was actually a long-distance relationship.

He was someone from my hometown that I met while on my first fall break from school, and we spent most of our relationship either texting or talking on the phone. For our first (and only) date, we went and saw Juno in theaters. He held my hand during the movie, and kissed me good-night when dropped me off. About a month later, I was back at school and he sent me a Valentine’s Day card and gift. The gift was the soundtrack from Juno, and that little connection to our amazing date was such a sweet gesture. Although we broke up (over the phone) soon after, I still have the CD and always think of him when I listen to it.

2. A guy I dated for about five months while in college used to let me watch Seahawks games at his house.

I didn’t have cable in the dorms so I needed somewhere to watch my team. He wasn’t really into football but he knew how much I loved watching, and he lived alone in a house he owned. We’d cuddle on the couch while the game was on, and he never complained about my screaming at the TV. But best of all, he’d wait until halftime to start anything because he knew how much it annoyed me to miss anything important. Those halftime quickies were often our most passionate sex.

3. I met a guy one summer between college semesters who fell pretty hard for me.

He was a great guy, but was living in Texas while I went to school in Idaho. I told him from the start that I was headed back up north as soon as the summer was over, so when our time was drawing to a close, I was wanting to wrap things up. Although things really did end with the summer, he first took me apartment hunting in Fort Worth, offering to pay for me to live there if I transferred to a school in Texas. I honestly don’t know if he was serious, or if it was an empty gesture knowing I would never change my mind, but I was truly touched by his offer.

4. My first graduate school boyfriend went home for a long weekend after we’d only been dating a couple of months.

When he came back, I randomly clicked a button on his phone to check the time and realized his lock screen was a picture of me. My inner-voice immediately went “Awwww!” and when I asked him about it, he said he’d been showing me off to his family. We broke up about a month after that, and I never met his family in person, but I’ll never forget the way that made me feel.

5. I was out dancing one night at the local honky-tonk with a girlfriend and we met a couple of guys who actually knew what they were doing on the dance floor.

We two-stepped all night, and the guy I had been dancing with asked for my number. We hung out a few times before I invited him over to my house for dinner. I made something simple, pork-chops, asparagus, and cheesy potatoes, but he told me my pork chops were even better than his mother’s. Now, as a typical southern gentleman, I can only imagine that he was lying; no Texan actually believes anyone can cook better than his mother. But it was just so sweet of him to say it that I almost started crying.

6. I went out with a guy I had met on Tinder a few times while I was living abroad.

The first date was just drinks to meet each other and I ordered a single vodka cranberry. The second date was drinks again, albeit at a different bar, and when I arrived he already had a vodka cranberry waiting for me. We only had one more date after that because I never really felt any sparks, but I always appreciated that little extra effort he made.

7. Started talking to this guy on Tinder and he seemed really awesome.

Wrote in complete sentences, with correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and seemed to have his life figured out. He asked me for my phone number after we talked for a little bit, and actually called instead of just texting. From then on, the only time he texted was to see if I was available to talk. Having someone make the effort to actually make the call was amazing, and I felt really special. I could tell it meant that he was setting aside time in his day to talk to me, rather than sending random texts while at work, watching TV, or (God-forbid) with another girl. We only ended up having one date but he definitely set the bar high for all other Tinder matches.

8. I met a guy at a bar one night and we hit it off right away.

We were both a little drunk and quickly decided to forgo the bar and just head back to my place. After a night of pretty good sex, we both fell asleep. The next morning, after some cuddling and kissing, he decided to go. He got dressed, I walked him to the door, and he said thanks for the great night. That was it. I loved that he didn’t ask for my phone number, because we both knew what was up. It was a one-night-stand, plain and simple. Guys, if you don’t intend on calling the girl, don’t take her number. Just let it be.