God, Use My Story To Bring Light To Others


Dear God,

I know that there’s a specific reason for the pain and suffering I’ve been through. While I didn’t understand it back then, I gained a clearer understanding and perspective of it now. My story is my testimony and mine alone. No matter what darkness my past was consumed with, it led me to Your light. If the things in my past didn’t happen, I wouldn’t have realized that You were that missing factor in my life. Now, I know that You have to break people in order to let them run to You. After all, how could people depend on such a powerful and great God if everything goes exactly the way they want? How could people believe in faith, in the things not seen, in a world where logic always wins?

Pain is the best opportunity for growth, and You know this. God, I want You to use my story for the greater good. My past hasn’t been easy, and it’s filled with so much grief, darkness, betrayal, abuse, mistakes, shame, and guilt. Despite this, it led me to You, and in that, everything makes sense. If You must, I want You to use my struggles and setbacks to be a symbol of hope, light, and love to others in my life.

During the moments, I thought a toxic relationship was going to define me. Use that story to inspire someone else going through the same thing.

During the moments where grief becomes the defining factor and I lose all sense of what the future holds, may You use me to bring hope to someone else’s life.

During the moments where I let a boy abuse and manipulate me into getting what he wants until I lose myself, let me be the voice to be heard to those who feel stuck.

During the moments of crippling anxiety that lead to me lose all hope for the future, let me be the light to bring them back.

God, You truly blessed the broken road before leading me straight to the path I was always meant for. If anything, without the darkness, finding the path to pure bliss and joy wouldn’t feel as satisfactory. God, use my story whenever You feel necessary and let me use my purpose to be the voice the world needs during times of brokenness, devastation, grief, abuse, and even shame. Let me be the voice to remind people that You are far greater than the things they have done and the things they lack. Even as imperfect beings, may You use me as the reminder that we are Your children, and that is the concrete truth.