10 Things You Should Know About 20-Something, Independent Women


1. She can paint her walls. She can fix her light bulb. She knows a thing or two about hammers and tools. She can make food. It may not be the most sumptuous meal ever made, but she knows her way around the kitchen. She may not be a fan of heavy lifting, but she will always find a way to get it done. She has developed a mechanism of solving problems on her own. You can rely on her and she hopes she can rely on you.

2. She can open the door, sure. Holding the door for her doesn’t mean she doesn’t have hands. It means you have manners. Chivalry certainly leaves a great impression.

When you go out on dates, it’s nice if you offer to pay but you don’t have to do it all the time. She also can afford to pay for both of you.

3. She’s working and she’s earning. Trying to impress her with money and cars may just push her away from you. It’s an implication of two things: either you’re superficial or you see her as such. A good woman prefers attention and affection instead. She looks at what is inside the mind, not the wallet. Besides, ability, ambition, and intention are far greater assets than bank balances.

4. There’s a huge difference when you tell her to “Do this.” versus “Will you consider doing this?”

5. She’s used to doing things on her own and giving her commands may just make her raise her eyebrows at you. She values her freedom, especially her freedom of choice. She respects yours, too. You can suggest, but never compel her to do things. Talk to her with reason, not with force. A woman knows how to listen anyway. What she needs is a partner – an equal, not a dominant.

6. More often than not, she’s practical and has got plans. She has her short-term and long-term goals scribbled somewhere. She may do a little revision and scrap a thing or two for you but don’t expect her to change her life. You wouldn’t want her to change yours too, right? You both can agree to what’s reconcilable and what’s not. Communication is the key here. Again, there’s always the voice of reason talking.

7. Dating a man without a plan is like going on a road trip without a map. It can be done and can be fun, but it raises a red flag. A little spontaneity can be thrilling at some point. But at the end of the day, you’ll both realize that it’s exhausting and feel that you could have done better. She’s practical, remember?

8. She’s adventurous and free-spirited. Her mind’s a traveler. She may be open to a lot of things but it doesn’t mean that you no longer need to watch your words and what you do around her (or to other ladies, for that matter). She could laugh at your promiscuous jokes, but is silently sizing up your potential for infidelity.

9. Too much tweetums and playing around isn’t going to get you anywhere. Cut the chase and the drama. She may just rather be chasing her dreams than be goofing around. Just be honest and go direct to the point. Make your intentions clear. The clock is ticking and you’re no longer in puberty.

10. Don’t think that she isn’t going to be happy and cannot live without a man in her life. Because she is and she can. While she’s happy now, make her happier. Be that someone who can make her realize that things are better done together than when done alone.

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